Now it's been a good 8 months since I told my parents I no longer considered myself a JW. Things have settled down to an extent but the hurt is still there - they think I'm going to die and as such are overly concerned for my safety.
In November I met a gal online and we've kept contact. A few months ago we decided I would come to visit her for a week. I went to my Mum first to let her know where I was going and when. She seemed fine with things at first but as the day has drawn closer she's been having a go. This is the first holiday I've been on since 1994 (not that I can remember any of it), and it's really dampening my mood! I finally told my dad, and I could tell he was forcing himself to stay calm. He didn't forget to tell me that I didn't really know this person, they could be a drug dealer, or a psycho, or some kind of criminal and going away on your own is very dangerous, I had a friend once that had his laptop stolen...
I understand parents get worried about their kids going away, but this is hardly a unique experience. I remember in highschool, some of my friends left for Boston and others went to Austria. They were 15 at the time. I'm 20 this month, and I feel like im being kept on the leash a little here.
Were your parents uptight about you going on holiday?
Anyway, this shall be my last post for a while - I'm actually leaving today (on a tuesday of all days!! You'll miss the Theocratic Ministry School and everything!) and getting back sunday night (AND the Watchtower. Goodness me).
Have a good week folks.