Hardcopy Help! Where can I find some?

by okage 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • okage

    I've got PDF's of certain Watchtower Publications, but I need the hardcopies to back up my argument. It's annoying when you show a Witness the jw.org website, download the pdf of the Watchtower study issue in front of them, and they argue that you have no point because Apostates tampered with the file. Mind you, it's on a WT/CCJW Server, so I don't fathom how any apostate can tamper with it. Mind you, the file you download in front of them is the magazine they currently have in their little boy suitcase.

    But they still argue it.

    I need hardcopy Watchtower Study Issues from Jan 2010 to June 2012 (whenever that's available). I need Bible Stories. And anything else that can be indisputably argued against the Society (unless I'm arguing with a complete moron)(3 out of 4 are morons, yada yada, beat you guys to the joke).

    Where can I obtain these? I live in a heavily Witness populated neighborhood in Fort Worth, so the three Kingdom Halls know me as an Apostate, making it hard to get things from them.

    Any help is appreciated.

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Here's a tip that may save you many dollars. Forgive me if you've mulled it over before.

    Buy yourself the latest WT Library CD. Make sure "the Witness" buys one also. That way you're both on the same page, so to speak. If you don't attend the Kingdom Hall I'm told there are copies available on eBay and elsewhere. If "the Witness" is in good standing one should be available at the Kingdom Hall.

    This way, downloads from jw.org are not really necessary. If he suspects his own copy he has mental issues. If he finds that your copy and his copy are different -- then he has a strong argument that there has been tampering.

    There may also be strong arguments that you may want to share with your friend that are in online essay form -- like THE GREAT WATCHTOWER CONTRADICTION. It's an 11 minute read that is designed for ones that are newly interested in Jehovah's Witnesses. It gives them compelling evidence why they should think twice about getting involved with them -- from some 25 quotations of Watchtower literature that are found on the WT Library CD. Even for long-standing JWs it poses several questions that they would not want asked during their next door-to-door venture.

    I wish you all the best,


  • okage

    I thought the Society altered the information found on the Library CD?

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    That has been found to be true in the past but I suspect that it is rare now. The reporting of those instances always seem to find their way on this forum and plenty others.

    Since we're now in the days of the modern computer with ease of searchability by Watchtower critics, the Society is extremely vigilant at minding their P's and Q's, knowing fully well that they won't get by without someone making a stink about it. They don't wish to be caught in any more tampering than what has already happened. Yes, that is speculation on my part. Others may disagree.

    If you do find suspicious quotations in one of their website publications this is the place to speak out. Those of us with WT Library CD's will be more than happy to quote from that source so you may compare. Also, since you probably won't be able to obtain one of the CD's at a Kingdom Hall make your wish known here, preferably with a separate thread just for that purpose. That will get someone's attention and you'll probably be able to get one for yourself. If that doesn't work, send me a PM.


  • ScenicViewer

    @ Okage,

    Ebay and Amazon are good sources for hard copies of the literature. How cheap and easy it is to get will depend on what you are looking for.

    - Watchtower volumes, 1960s thru mid-2000s. Easy to find and usually cheap. ($1 to $5 each, plus $4 shipping. Buying several from the same seller saves on shipping.)

    - Watchtower volumes, 1950s and back. Harder to find, and more expensive, the farther back you go. Some from the 50s can still be relatively cheap, but from the 40s expect to pay $15 to $90 per year, plus shipping.)

    - Awake volumes are about the same as the Watchtower volumes pricewise, but usually they are harder to find. They are fairly plentiful from the 70s through mid 2000s, but earlier than the 70s they take longer to find.

    - Early Watchtowers can be had in the form of Watchtower Reprints. The originals, printed by the Society, vary greatly in price depending conditon. They were printed in 2 editions, the first one 1879 thru 1916, then from 1879 thru 1919. $600 to $2500. (For example, see this site. These prices are on the high side.)

    - The Bible Students have also printed the Watchtower Reprints, 1879 thru 1916. They can be found on ebay from time to time, usually in good condition, from about $250 to $300. Some sellers want a little more.

    - Both the Watchtower magazines and Golden Age -or- Consolation magazines (early names for Awake) from the 1920s thru the 1930s are tough to get.

    - The Society's books from the 1950s thru 2000s are easy to get, as are some of the older ones from Rutherford's day (I've paid $1 to $10 plus shipping). A select few are hard to find and expensive. The Society has printed lots of books.

    If you only need a few pieces of literature, and it doesn't have to be very old, you can find plenty of it cheap, but if you need to put together an extensive library it will take lots of time and money. In this case, FatFreek 2005's idea about the Watchtower CD is a very good one.

    Regarding the arguments that some Witnesses use in rejecting your digital sources, at some point the burden of proof will have to fall on them. If they say your offering has been altered, they should prove it by consulting the correct literature and showing you a scan of it. Of course most Witnesses will not bother to do that. It's much easier to dismiss your proof (any lame excuse will do) and move on.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    They are the ones claiming you have altered documents. Put it on them to supply a copy they trust to prove to you that you are being lied to by apostates.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Just popping in to say that initially I misread the 'Hardcopy' in the thread title as 'Hardcore' and was about to suggest some relevant sites.

    Luckily, I realised my mistake in time. Apologies. Carry on. As you were.

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