please skip down a bit if you want to go the heart of this post re CLERGY RESPONSE TEAMS
In 1913, after estabslishing an outline secretly in thier Jeykel Island Retreat, the central bankers such as JPMorgan, Warburg, Schiff, and others under the direction of David Rockefeller and the Rothschild empire had the Federal Reserve Act passed by a minority congressional vote on Christmas Eve. Working for the European offshore Rothschild centeral banking cartel, the unconstitutional, illegitamte, and non federal entity known as the Federal Reserve System was created. All finanicial control in America was given to a well connected underground international banking elite class. Shortly thier after, the Internal Revenue Service, the collection agency for the Federal Reserve and Rothschild banking empire was set up to facilitate taxing and controling the American People. This model was also implented in Canada and expanded in England and other Rothschild controlled commonwealth at that time.
Now longer then 5 times the size of all the works of Shakespear, the IRS Tax Code is an ever changing beurocratic red tape to control and squeeze money from the American people.
One of the creations of the offshore banking cartel was the implementation of the 501c3 status that would be granted to charites and "religious organizations". Religious organizations were compelled under new "Federal" colour-of-law to become a 501c3 orginzation, and recieve the benifits of becoming a tax free charitable organization. One aspect of 501c3 organizations that benift inside members of the underground elite brotherhood bloodlines is the means in which being a tax free charity can ammass very large sums of money that do not have to be accurately recorded or publicly announced. Elitist insiders, such as Bill Gates, Al Gore, Ted Turner. David Rockefeller, and many other well known names use their tax free charitable 501c3 organizations to further the interests of their occult brotherhood, whether it be population control programs, eugenics programs, GMO programs, or simply hedge and slush funds, they become a very powerful tool of todays most elite members of society.
However, on the Religious side, churches were now promised the wonderful aspect of "enganging in the lords ministry", without having to pay taxes or disclose thier financial assets. Just think of all the Bibles, books, magazines, churches and congregations that can be built, all without having to pay tax! However, their are serious downsides for a Religous organization, even more so a Christian organization, to become a tax exempt 501c3 organization.
We need to look briefly at the mindset of the financial masters first, however.
The Federal Reserve and the banker takeover of America honestly does not rest on Biblical Christian principles. Honesty, transperancy, integrity, respect, compassion, and higher thinking does not characterize those who have taken over the course of America. Instead these financial masters, corporate and polictical executives are absoulutley enthralled with occult worship, mock human sacrifice in the Californian Redwoods, death rituals at Skull And Bones, eugenics and forced sterilization programs across most of America. vaccines laced with live viruses and engineered to control fertility and aid depopulation agendas. Even in the modern day, these activities by these highly powerful people persist, with high powered people as Bill Gates, Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, Oprah Winfrey and others meeting multiple times, in New York and Arizona, solely on the topic of depopulation of the human species, all the while parading themselves in their controlled media as superhero philintratipsits. They are symbolized in the Tavistock Institute symbol of the well known "Wolf in Sheeps Clothing". Certanily, not the crowd a Biblical Christian would follow.
Well I could go further into how these individuals funded Nazi germany and infiltrated America with Nazis after the war, even leading to the creation of DHS and FEMA, among others, the thrust of this is to point out how 501c3 religious groups are controlled and are under compulsion of the Federal Reserve and the offshore crimminal elite cartell.
1) 501c3 religous organizations are under compulsion to preach only a message that serves the overall benifit of the ruling elite
(who have taken over America unconstitionaly)
Talks and Speeches are to avoid any mention of the real PTB, the real crimminal cartel in control of America and the rest of the World
Biblical content only is accepted, as long as it does not expose the real agenda that is taking place
Promotion of controlled banker media propaganda
-do not learn or teach about Financial History, do not learn about Gold, Silver, Honest Money, and the Fraud of modern banking
-do not learn or speak about the controlled and rigged election process or two party dictatorship in America/UK
-do not speak out about forced drugging of the population (sodium hydrofluorosic acid) and tests on the public (teskegee, agent orange, etc)
-do not speak out about forced vacanition and vaccines laced with live viruses and engineered for population control and depopulation
-do not speak about inflitration of GMO crops that are killing all natural life with plants that grow poison pesticides and vaccines for sterilility
-do not speak about the Nazi/Fascist/Communist/World Government takeover of America
-do not speak about the history of the Council on Foriegn Relations and the creation/history of the Leauge of Nations and United Nations
-do not speak about the inflitration of all mainstream colleges and universities with Occult Brotherhood Societies that faciliate the above
-do not speak about the occult, pagan history and symbolisim of Babyolian, Egyptian, Judiaic, Islamic and Christian sects
-do not speak about how the highest elite members of society worship these symbols and concepts present in all modern sects above
-must approve of and hide the ongoing police state and creation of tyrannical world government. prepare congregations for martial law and internment camps
this is the heart of what I am talking about. It is a covert DHS / FEMA program aimed at (as far as we know) the majority and if not all Religious 501c3 orginzations in America
It is called the CLERGY RESPONSE TEAM and it is very real. A good Pastor leaked the Doucments, and indeed further documents leaked and even the MSM had to report that yes indeed DHS and FEMA have control and influence over religous 501c3 organizations to monitor, spy and more importantly, manipulate thier congregation matters in case of civil collapse or martial law.
pastor documents
Clergy Team
Fairfield Fire Department's Clergy Team was organized by Fire Chief Don Bennet in an attempt to support citizens who encounter traumatic events within the community. Recognizing that tragedy is not a respecter of persons, Chief Bennet called upon the city's clergy in December of 2000 to help establish an effective program in responding to the these particular crisis events. Church leaders rose to the challenge and established Fairfield's first comprehensive chaplaincy program which assist first responders in emergency crisis.
The Clergy Team has been thoroughly trained in first responder's protocol and critical incident stress management. They have clear goals for crisis intervention. Upon arriving to a scene, the team members seek to stabilize signs and symptoms of distress and dysfunction and then move to mitigate those signs and symptoms. Their goal is to facilitate a return to adaptive functioning or possibly assist by seeking continued care for both citizens and our uniformed employees and their families.
Clergy Team members are compassionate, competent, and qualified ministers within our community that have been ordained and/or licensed. These individuals manifest a broad base of experience and professional maturity, emotional stability and personal credibility within the church and community. Each team member possesses professional credentials and are participants in on going training to sharpen skill sets and bring continuity to the team's performance and program.
For Proof this is part of DHS and FEMA watch these two MSM newscasts where they officialy admitted the program
of course the recommendiation given is not just scripitual advice, but adherence to an interpertation of Romans 13:1 which compels christians to avoid resisatance to Goverment or Federal agents, and to prepare to be vaccinated, jailed, groped, and put into internenment camps.Of course JWs have been well taught that this will happen to them one day. And now with NDAA and all the police state devolopments in the last 5-10 years, its all happening.
Think twice about what your congregations are being led to do, and what they are teaching and not teaching in regards to your liberty, health, well being and Christian stand to obey God and resist the unholy evil of the Devil.That being said this stance is more on the level towards the evil occult elit then towards thier braindead enforcement officers. The elite now what they are doing and how evil and sick they are and true christains must stand oppisite to thier anti-human anti-life agenda.
A bit of a rant but, this is real and any religous person should understand the relationships between their chruch clergy hierarchy and the New World Order Hiearchy, and that it appears that often thier intrests converge, with good loving people Christian and non-christian in the crossfire. Food for thought.