On your very first day on the job with Walmart, you will be provided with information on obtaining "Food Stamps" access to "Medicaid" because you are young and won't need to make more than minimum wage, you won't qualify for all those great Government Bennies if we pay you more!
The Watchtower tells their youth and followers of all ages, to work the least, so you can spend all your time in Field Service. Most jobs that require little input pay close to nothing, don't provide health coverage or any kind of retirement plan.
Walmart tells you not to join a Union, a Union will force poor Walmart to pay you more money, which means less money to their upper management. The Union will try to bargain for health care, paid vacations and a pension plan, Unions do their best to avoid "Trusting in management"
The Watchtower tells young ones, Don't Go To College, Avoid Higher Learning!" this keeps your mind free from thinking too much, and reflects that you are trusting in "Jehovah God", WTS version of Jehovah does not want you to use the gift of your mind, trying to make a good living, is not showing faith in your vow of poverty you took. "It drew our whole family together when we were evicted from our house, we knew things would get better from the homeless shelter, our CO told us so after I handed him our last twenty dollar bill. He drove off in the car our Circuit was paying for, he really built us up!"
Although you will not have a good job, you can be assured your Traveling Brothers will be taken care of! The Healthcare you don't have, the CO, DO, Zone and GB will have. The Organization will provide a pension to their Traveling Brothers.
Housing and Food, Remember Walmart told you to apply for "Section 8" housing, "Food Stamps and other Government goodies, you will be able to apply for these great programs by avoiding work. Malingering in field service, will enable you to become part of the benefits Uncle Sam has to offer.
Your CO.DO,Zone and friends at Bethel, their health insurance is Cadillac Health Insurance, why does the Organization provide these benefits to their Middle Managers in the Organization? Is it a lack of faith on their part, that Jehovah will not keep them from getting cancer, heart disease or a stroke?
Why does the Organization not want these same benefits for your children and family, why do they expect your family (in theory) to live off nothing, while fat-cat COs, DOs eat out for lunch everyday? The money spent taking these men out to eat, would save on cost to our brother and help the Society control health care cost, COs only drive from twenty miles, they can bring a lunch with them, bill the Hall, don't waste funds so they can eat out everyday! This is one of the greatest forms of Insanity the group passes by their sheep!
If you were treated like these College Educuated Men (The Watchtower College), you would expect health insurance, you would expect a living wage, you would not want to beg the Government for Food Stamps, if your education was a viable degree!
From this modest argument, you can infer how Walmart tells their employees "Do as we say, but not as we do!" You don't need health care, a pension, a decent place to live, these belong to our Management and Top Brass.
Watchtower "Put the Kingdom First like our Traveling Brothes whose expenses are paid in full. Their cars, houses, health care, trips, vacation time, travel expenses, their future housing and pension requirements."
You as Joe Publisher don't need to worry about the things our Traveling Brothers need, seek government aid, even though you probably paid nothing into the system! What a bunch of screwballs people are listening too.
The Apostle Paul never asked for all the "Perks" these brothers demand!