So the Hounder Hounder co was in town for his bean counting mission and he was invited to pay my ill father in law a visit. Just like every other time he comes since father in law NEVER attends anymore because of his failing health but this time he is a little judgmental. My father in law felt very much like he was being interrogated rather than shepherded. So what does he do? He does not go to the bible or ask for prayers or apologize. He pulls out a stack of washtowel magazines two feet thick and shows the co ALL of the underlining he has done. And THAT appeased to sonofabitch. I supposed the sign of your position as one of Christ's lambs is not the love you have for your fellowman or fellow jw, it's the number of underlined sentences within the wt authority...the washtowel magazine. I felt such pity when he related this to me, even as he beamed with pride for having won over the co with such a display of faith that managed to help him to redeem himself.
Has anyone else around here seen this happen with a co?