It was only last year we had that quoted. I've searched in vain. I thought I'd bookmarked it but guess not. I have two friends studying and this would put the nail in the coffin I think. Remember how it said that if you do not "accept the full scope of revealed truth" you could be expelled? This is my paraphrase. Can someone help a guy out here? THanks to all in advance.
Where is article which says "If disagree with WT doctrine can be DF'd?"
by Wasanelder Once 9 Replies latest watchtower bible
When you find it let me know!
Found this from one of Blondies's old posts...yeah itsacult...
w86 4/1p.30 Questions From Readers***Why have Jehovah’s Witnesses disfellowshipped (excommunicated)for apostasy some who still profess belief in God, the Bible, and Jesus Christ?
Approved association with Jehovah’s Witnesses requires accepting the entire range of the true teachings of the Bible, including those Scriptural beliefs that are unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Do we have Scriptural precedent for taking such a strict position? Indeed we do! Paul wrote about some in his day: "Their word will spread like gangrene. Hymenaeus and Philetus are of that number. These very men have deviated from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already occurred; and they are subverting the faith of some." (2 Timothy 2:17, 18; see also Matthew 18:6.) There is nothing to indicate that these men did not believe in God, in the Bible, in Jesus’ sacrifice. Yet, on this one basic point, what they were teaching as to the time of the resurrection, Paul rightly branded them as apostates, with whom faithful Christians would not fellowship.
compound complex
Greetings, Wasa:
It's not an article per se, but at the Walsh trial circa 1950 Fred Franz was cross examined by a lawyer regarding this very issue. FWF stated that disfellowshipping was the outcome for disputing current light (even if the JW antagonist's view was later revealed as having been correct).
CoCo Dismayed
Also see this thread, reactionary letter during the big purge of 1980.
117 ADAMS STREET, BOOKLYN, NEW YORK 11201, U.S.A. PHONE (212) 625-1240
SCG:SSF September 1, 1980
Dear Brothers:
We know that you and your wives benefited greatly from the "Divine Love" District Conventions. They impressively brought to our attention why love is the most beneficial quality that we can develop. (1 Cor. 13:13) Love enables us to remain united in spite of the limitations and shortcomings we manifest. —Col. 3:12-14.
You can be sure that by your loving example, the brothers you serve will be uplifted and strengthened in the faith. We have received a number of letters informing us of the love you brothers and your wives have displayed. One body of elders wrote concerning their circuit overseer "(He) is truly devoted to do Jehovah's will . . . being of spiritual assistance to all . . . approachable in discussing any matter. (He) has a listening ear, showing empathy for the brothers. Such brothers we can rely upon when future problems we know will come, set in."
You can be confident that the brothers treasure your friendship, association and love when you "genuinely care for the things pertaining to them." (Phil. 2:19-23,29) Therefore, continue exerting yourselves to deal lovingly with them. Never pressure them or scold them. Lead them, work hard with them, exhort them in accord with their needs. Be patient if their progress appears slow. Such loving, patient treatment will refresh the brothers.--Matt. 11:28-30.
A major responsibility of an overseer as he 'shepherds the flock of God in his care" is to protect it from dangers. (Acts 20:28) Acts 20:29,30 indicates that one of those dangers can be men who apostatize. There is a fine study of this subject in the August 1, 1980, Watchtower. All of you want to get thoroughly familiar with the contents of the study articles. Encourage all of the elders and ministerial servants, especially, to do likewise. Include key points in your "Continue in the Things You Have Learned" program.
Help the elders discern between one who is a trouble-making apostate and a Christian who becomes weak in faith and has doubts. (2 Peter 2; Jude 22, 23) The former one should be dealt with decisively after extended efforts put forth to readjust him. (2 John 7-10) On the other hand, one weak should be patiently and lovingly assisted to get the accurate knowledge solidify his faith.
Page 2
Keep in mind that to be disfellowshiped, an apostate does not have to be a promoter of apostate views. As mentioned in paragraph two, page 17 of the August 1, 1980, Watchtower, "The word 'apostasy' comes from a Greek term that means 'a standing away from,' 'a falling away, defection,' 'rebellion, abandonment. Therefore, if a baptized Christian abandons the teachings of Jehovah, as presented by the faithful and discreet slave, and persists in believing other doctrine despite Scriptural reproof, then he is apostatizing. Extended, kindly efforts should be put forth to readjust his thinking. However, if, after such extended efforts have been put forth to readjust his thinking, he continues to believe the apostate ideas and rejects what he has been provided through the 'slave class, then appropriate judicial action should be taken.
This is not to say that you or the elders should go on 'witch hunts,' as it were, inquiring into the personal beliefs of your brothers. Rather, if something reasonably substantial comes to the attention of the elders along this line, it would be appropriate to make a kindly, discreet inquiry so as to protect the flock. We cannot overemphasize the need to be cautious, discreet and kindly as such situations are dealt with.—James 1:19, 20. . . . "
1980 September 1, BOE listed above. * Pg.-1 * Pg.-2 * * Hayden Covington under Cross;1954 Walsh transcript, pages 347-348, (Section C--Question: If a member of Jehovah's Witnesses took the view himself that that prophecy was wrong and said so he would be disfellowshipped?--Answer: Yes,) * Pg.-347 * Pg.- 348-(Section B--Question: and unity based upon an enforced acceptance of false prophecy?--Answer: That is conceded to be true.) * * * Atlantis
wha happened?
even if u find the smoking gun, it doesn't matter. Anything and everything can be pigeon holed into a danger to the cong. Done!