I wonder what the Watchtower will say about the latest evolutionary news from the island of Crete?
Here are extracts from the BBC Science News report, plus a link for anyone who wants to read it all.
"The smallest mammoth ever known to have existed roamed the island of Crete millions of years ago, researchers say....
"...Dwarfism is a well-known evolutionary response of large mammals to island environments," said Dr Herridge.
This evolutionary phenomenon is thought to be driven by the relative scarcity of food sources or by the absence of predators.
"Our findings show that on Crete, island dwarfism occurred to an extreme degree, producing the smallest mammoth known so far," she added.
The teeth analysed in the study were originally collected by fossil hunter Dorothea Bate in 1904. They were first thought to belong to dwarf forms of the straight-tusked elephant Palaeoloxodon antiquus, which is considered the evolutionary ancestor of all dwarf elephants."