Gods Rogaine

by donny 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • donny

    It's amazing the lengths some folks go through to defend their "unwavering" belief in the Bible. I was discussing the Elisha and the she-bear incident and the co-worker gave the following "true" interpretation. He stated that since we are all children of God, the "children" were actually adults which was followed by "There is no way God would have sent two bears to attack little kids." When I countered that even if that were true, didn't God go overboard when he had 42 of these "adult" children killed for calling Elisha "bald headed". He replied that God created them so he can dispose of them when he sees fit.

    He then asked "What should have God done, they were disrespecting his prophet?" I replied "God should have miraculously caused him to instantly grow a full head of hair and that would have shown those boys who God was without having to murder them."

    He replied "That's ridiculous!"

    And yet he believed his understanding made perfect sense.

  • theBGB

    I love it when you try to logically approach a scripture or parable and the hard-core religious responds with "That's ridiculous!"

  • theBGB

    Hilarious repsonse btw, that's classic!

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    LOL Donny! I gotta use that one.

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