In England was a Jehovahs Witness ...How sad
Mother who killed her kids?
by mouthy 6 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks lamallcool
Very sad story to be sure, the suicide of the brother of the woman accused is not surprising though being this religion (JWS) has caused many.
This leaves open the question did the circumstances involving her brother help in instigating the murdering of her own children ?
It just shows, doesn't it, how this religion messes people up?
Terribly, terribly sad. Heartbreaking.
Pams girl
Tragic story, those poor poor innocent babies, my heart breaks for them
The brother was driven to suicide because of the Jw, she was suffering from severe post-natal depression, and compounded with her brothers suicide, was driven to murder her own babies. What a terrible chain of very very sad. Thanks for posting Grace, I heared this on the news, but the JW connection wasnt mentioned. Thanks for the link lamallcool.
Paula x
Room 215
What a nightmarish tragedy; heartbreaking.... " I heared (sic.) this on the news, but the JW connection wasnt mentioned" so much for the "worldly press" sensationalizing the misfortune of the JWs.