Marvin, who is paying to treat all these individuals with mental problems? The payout in the United States for licensed psychologist and psychiatrist is nothing, many are leaving their fields to work for State or Federal run facilitites. California, New Mexico, Florida, and our friends in the South, do not have ready access to mental health doctors. Logic would dictate, only JWs with means, are being able to receive more than the "one time evaluations" provided by State Medicaid services. How can the poorer JWs be evaluated, if only those with means are counted?
As for this mob, their are still some who think mental illness is treatable by prayer or caused by demons! You know how far back into the cellars, they tuck emotional problems, "Just wait on Jehovah, you will feel better after a prayer" another qoute "Get out into the Field Service, It will take your mind off your problems!"
More JW Depression Qoutes from Elders and Elderettes "Depressed People Are Selfish, All They Think About Is Themselves!"