Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mental Health

by Marvin Shilmer 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mental Health

    Today I added a new article to my blog addressing Jehovah’s Witnesses and mental health. Documented sources inside and outside Watchtower express the same thing. Mental disease has an alarming prevalence among Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    My article is titled Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mental Health and is available at:

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Zordino

    We wouldn't they have to be Nuts to believe all of that Hoarse Ca Ca?

  • biometrics

    Some people just can't handle "the truth".

  • jwfacts

    Those two links to the elders letter is an amazing summary of what is wrong with Watchtower child abuse policy, and written by an elder. It is hard to understand how he could remain in the religion after what he writes, but he seems devoted. I love the comparison of judicial committees with child abuse by a father.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    Marvin, who is paying to treat all these individuals with mental problems? The payout in the United States for licensed psychologist and psychiatrist is nothing, many are leaving their fields to work for State or Federal run facilitites. California, New Mexico, Florida, and our friends in the South, do not have ready access to mental health doctors. Logic would dictate, only JWs with means, are being able to receive more than the "one time evaluations" provided by State Medicaid services. How can the poorer JWs be evaluated, if only those with means are counted?

    As for this mob, their are still some who think mental illness is treatable by prayer or caused by demons! You know how far back into the cellars, they tuck emotional problems, "Just wait on Jehovah, you will feel better after a prayer" another qoute "Get out into the Field Service, It will take your mind off your problems!"

    More JW Depression Qoutes from Elders and Elderettes "Depressed People Are Selfish, All They Think About Is Themselves!"

  • 00DAD


  • WTWizard

    Mental illness caused by demons?

    In fact, it is actually caused by ANGELS! Yup, Jehovah and his filthy angels creating the problems. Oppressive religion is the tool the angels use to do this, making anything that is natural seem dirty. They stifle sexual expression--both "straight" and gay--while expecting people to look and act happy. All the while, they are expected to take abuse, suffer in silence waiting for some spook that is never going to answer them, and wait to be enslaved. This is what causes most of the mental health issues among the born-in witlesses.

    Add to that, the witlesses are supposed to be terrified of the very demons that are trying to help them. They are programmed to believe that anything to do with real spirituality is going to make Satan or a demon possess them, and that adds to the terror besides depriving them of the help the demons want to give them. And it is not justified--all the Satanic music I got (both while in the world and after becoming a witless), all the psychic articles I got in college, and pursuing Satan now hasn't given me any terrifying experience. In fact, the demons are only seeking to help us develop our own powers, so we can improve the quality of our lives. Religions that cut us off from this ought to be ashamed of themselves.

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