I meandered over to WT.org just to see what it was like. They have an article about JWs' courageous challenge to Hitler. Strangely, the vast Internet does not give them enough space to quote Rutherford's letter to Hitler in full. Basically, they go through every point and documentation (fragments of it to be more accurate). They actually quote "commercial Jews" with the hindsight of the Holocaust and say they never hated Jews in general.
Nazi flags and swatiskas were not present at the convention site. Well, maybe there were. The German national anthem was sung. They must admit so much. Their refutation of antisemitism and pandering to Hitler is simply to say that it is untrue. Commercial Jews strikes me as endorsing Nazi propaganda about money lenders and uncleanliness. Of all the songs in the world, they chose the German National anthem by accident.
They never mention that most Witnesses could leave if they signed a document. Something gays, Jews, gypsies and communists were not offered. The people entering the gas chambers were prob. reconciled to signing a document, esp. for freedom of family members.
Nazi ideology was very popular. Germany was considered the most educated and civilized country in the world. They would do much better if they acknowledged that they were not perfect. Love your enemy as your self. Also, as with the law review article about how perfect Brooklyn was when dealing with Japanese persecution before and after hostilities, no individual Witness is given credit for their courage. This monolithic group called Jehovah's Witnesses were courageous. They even mention Rutherford's quote of the high ideals of Nazis-- and say that is not support of Hitler.
Just had to vent. I should have expected it. What bothers me is that I once believed these articles.