Gerard and I got Netflix about 5 months ago and are having a blast watching british tv shows. the latest one is MI-5. we cannot get enough of it. anybody else a fan?
Anybody a fan of MI-5/Spooks tv show?
by rowan 2 Replies latest jw friends
Band on the Run
I don't watch the SHO show even tho I have SHO. It was difficult for me to follow. Perhaps I just saw a bad portion. I love MI-5 shows from James Bond to George Smiley. I recently saw the remake of Smiley but I prefer the original. It is a challenge to understand British politics and history. I love how the CIA and MI-5 seem to partner up yet have their own differences. It leaves me curious as to what happens in the real world.
I believe I would have loved being a CIA analyst. My major was in the proper department. Foreign languages were not an easy skill for me. The CIA and the military were kicked off campus during my tenure at college b/c of the Viet Nam War. Not even my law school would let them set foot on campus. All the top tier schools excluded them. A friend commented, though, that the office was in the Manhattan directory and only two subway stops away. If you could not make your way to the office, you prob. should not have a career in intelligence. After 9/11 the Foreign Service and CIA are very attractive. In my day, you could not tell anyone you considered working there. You would be ostracized.
Do you know of any good MI-5 themed books?
Yes I enjoyed it.