8/15/12 WT--Materialism is YOUR problem

by sd-7 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sd-7

    One thing I noticed in the August 15, 2012 Watchtower, page 26, is how the writer has clearly left the usual form of narration. Typically it goes like "We must avoid Satan's snares!" But when it gets to the subject of materialism, notice the change in paragraph 4, page 26:

    "In these 'critical times hard to deal with,' there is much that could make you anxious. (2 Tim. 3:1) With the high cost of living and rising unemployment rates, you may find it difficult to make ends meet. You may also be anxious about the future and wonder, 'Will I have enough income after I retire?' Because of such anxiety, some have been led to pursue riches, thinking that money will guarantee security."

    (I also like the interesting photo. Apparently, basic mathematics can choke our spirituality. "Let's see, how much money I make, minus what I gotta spend to pay these bills...OH MY GOD! I CAN'T GO TO MEETINGS ANYMORE! F*** JEHOVAH!!! LET'S GO GET A NEW HOUSE!!!")

    Anyway, this gives me a very noteworthy message about the person(s) writing this article: (1) I, the writer of this article, am not anxious. Perhaps because I'm more spiritual than you'll ever be--hence why I'm writing this article--and the only time I use the word 'we' is when I'm kind of expecting you to imitate what I'm already successfully doing. B****es. (2) I do not find it difficult to make ends meet; after all, you're paying for my room and board and three squares a day, buddy! Thanks for your donations! (3) I don't have to worry about the future; as long as the Governing Body keeps me here, YOU'RE gonna pay for my retirement! Thanks again.

    Oh, and "some" have been led to pursue "riches". "Some"? Like who? It's a generalization. Unprovable, but also undisprovable. "Have been led" implies that the decision to make more money was actually not theirs, but that they were somehow led, or misled, in the writer's mind, to make more money. So who would ever lead a servant of God to make more money? Got to be Satan, right? It was left unsaid, but unconsciously, it's implanted there in the reader's mind without them even realizing it. I mean, that's what this article is about, right? Satan's traps? Right. Cle-ver.

    Also, the writer of this article seems to know what "some" people are thinking, "that money will guarantee security". Well, how does he know that's what they're thinking? He doesn't, but he's doing the thinking for them and passing judgment on their actions, thus guilting anyone who's legitimately worried about their financial future. Maybe money is the only way, at least around here, to acquire food and shelter. I mean, if they start the barter system up again, I hope the Society will let us know, so we can be ready!

    But anyway, making more money is not necessarily the same as "pursuing riches". It's a case of skipping over the middle ground. Either you're a greedy person desperate to get rich, or you're 'putting Kingdom interests first'. Maybe that person who wants to set aside more for retirement is planning to spend more time on spiritual things when they retire. But the writer is clearly maligning their motives without knowing what their plans are. Or at the very least, guilting them about said plans. Well, the Watchtower is certainly planning a comfortable retirement for its senior leadership. I think I'll imitate their fine example.

    There's so much fun to be had in this issue. I mean, the elder's wife who was bangin' his Bible study while he was off giving a public talk at East Giblit Congregation? Oh, cla-ssic-ah! That's a whole 'nother thread right there! Okay, this is too long, better stop.


  • LostGeneration

    Good points all. Its all unprovable fluff in these articles. Seems like they are just throwing stuff at the wall, trying to get some of it to stick.

    The other topic in that article is "adultery" with a hell of a story about an uber-elder and his cheating wife. Been meaning to get a thread started on that one!

  • Kojack57

    Judas priest, the G.B. has balls to be talking smack like that. Man, at least those of us who are out can see the deception.


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Another brilliant analysis of a particularly fucked up watchtower, SD-7

  • WTWizard

    Satan? Does Satan run the banking system, with its being designed to run up debts--or is it the Rothschilds? Anyone with a good search engine and 10 minutes can research the religious affiliations of the Rothschilds--prepare to be taken for a ride when you find out that they are not pure Satanists!

    Beyond that, most of us have legitimate problems making ends meet. However, Rothschild debt aside, witlesses waste endless amounts of resources. They are limited in what jobs they can take because of their religion, and many hours are off limits for boasting sessions. They waste huge amounts of gas on boasting sessions and field circus. They waste further money on a$$emblies. Donations waste even more. More still is wasted going to Seven-11 or Wilson Farms for lunch every day, or coffee breaks. Others waste money (and health) eating at McDonalds or Burger King every single day for lunch.

    And, every time someone invests in something, Brother Hounder comes up with faults. Invest in stocks? Why bother investing in a dying world. Invest in precious metals? That is "too worldly"--and will be seen as even worldlier when the shortage of silver finally hits the fan and silver prices can no longer be driven down by the big banks. Invest in a skill? Why bother, when the emergency is ongoing. No wonder these people are destitute. You cannot live in this world without some degree of materialism. Material things do provide happiness, even if they do wear out, break, get stolen, or you cannot take them when you die. They are also needed to stay alive--only those filthy angels can do without any material things whatsoever (and the demons--spirit beings do not need material things to survive). Us humans, being bound to physical bodies, need physical things to stay alive.

    And, what are they gaining? They learn the same crap each week. Anything that could lead to fornication is "bad". No Internet. Be afraid of apostates. Panic at the mere thought of Satan or His beautiful, wonderful Demons. Do more. Pious-sneer. That is supposed to be spiritual? Or, the pacts and classes--if you are not a Jew, that is a complete waste of your time to try and figure out. In the meantime, you are not empowering your own soul. How many witlesses, born in and dying faithful, even know what a chakra is? Do any of them know even the tiniest way to control the outside world? Some hear of the "power(??)" of positive thinking, but are not told that, unless their souls are fully empowered, positive thinking is about as powerful as blowing up your car engine with the transmission in neutral or totally busted. Ditto the Law of Attraction--witlesses are supposed to use the power of positive thinking to get people into the same cancer, but without this empowerment (which pious-sneering itself prevents), it does nothing.

    Not to mention, damnation. Souls that fail to empower carry the burden onto future life cycles, and thus can be trapped into another oppressive existence. I don't know about you, but I do not want to be the only fundamentalist Christian or Muslim when reincarnated in the Age of Libra.

  • panhandlegirl

    Or, the pacts and classes--if you are not a Jew, that is a complete waste of your time to try and figure out. In the meantime, you are not empowering your own soul. How many witlesses, born in and dying faithful, even know what a chakra is? Do any of them know even the tiniest way to control the outside world? Some hear of the "power(??)" of positive thinking, but are not told that, unless their souls are fully empowered, positive thinking is about as powerful as blowing up your car engine with the transmission in neutral or totally busted. Ditto the Law of Attraction--witlesses are supposed to use the power of positive thinking to get people into the same cancer, but without this empowerment (which pious-sneering itself prevents), it does nothing.

    I don't really think I am dumb or poweless, but I don't quite understand everything you are talking about. What "pacts and classes are you speaking of?" I had never heard the word "chakra." I have never

    practiced yoga so I never encountered the word; I looked it up. I am planning on learning more about yoga as I need it to loosen my bones and I hear it helps.I really want to know more about your philosophy.

    Unfortunately, I am materlistic because as you stated, humans need material things to live and I prefer to live as well as I can afford. All the JWs, both family and members of the congregation,I associated with were materalistic

    Apparently they don't practice what the GB teaches. Like the writer of the above article, they apply it to others not themselves.

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