That's what I thought. It's crazy, cuz the same "reliable" historian who Blue Pill Witnesses use to "disprove" the anti-semitism of Judge Rutherford recorded that only 900 or so Witnesses died. Which is a far cry from and of the four to five digit numbers the Society claims.
I guess reliable only counts when you need the picture to fit.
The Society over-dramatizes everything and mocks up their own numbers and stats for the Holocaust, so myself and many others stand firm knowing that nothing the Society produces for the tribulations of the Jehovah's Witnesses during World War II could ever be accurately referred to as "balanced."
Balanced is a propagandist's term (WTS, Fox News) to make the followers who are loyal believe the point is accurate and reflects an agreement by both sides of whatever situation. I think the term used to describe this is called "thought stopping."
When the JW sees a WT publication and the GB refers to it as "balanced," the typical JW thinks "well if the secular world has no argument, it must represent the truth." Or to any wording of that nature.