I GIVE UP...............

by ThiChi 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • ThiChi

    I GIVE UP!!

    After the post regarding the "JW fact sheet" and all the good, damming info there, I would like to share this:

    A good JW friend visited me in the “cover of darkness” last night to say hello (I am DA). After some friendly talk, he asked me the question: “will you ever come back and do you still believe the JW’s are the truth?”

    I got the opening mantra, only Jws doing Gods will, they have the “truth,” where else can you go?

    I kindly spoke of the UN/WT connection, the 1914 generation change, the misuse of disfellowshipping, blood and much more. Like most Jw’s, he did not know that Jesus is not a mediator for the “other sheep,” and we talked about the double standards going on at the local KH. Three hours of updating him on the “fact sheet”

    My friend AGREED with me on most topics. However, the JWs keep him in line from sinning and going astray and for that, he is staying.

    Like most Jws I talk to, they know that most of the teachings are wrong, however, they don’t want to leave the “support” the Jws offer when you are “in.” What can you do? I give up when they start agreeing with you, yet are as happy as snot to be in bondage.............

  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink

    "we do not see the world as it is,
    we see the world as we are. . ." Anais Nin

  • Kep

    So true TC.
    I gave up talking to my mother about these issues.
    I even pointed out the double standards and hypocrisy in her own congo.
    But she is forever saying "it's a perfect org. run by imperfect men".
    Makes me wanna barf!!
    She has been Dfd twice, and still goes back for more.
    She should have had this info while she was out and able to reflect on the way they treated her.
    But now and then I will drop a few bits of info to see if she bites.
    Who knows, one day she might.

  • Adonai438

    Under the cover of darkness huh? Sounds like Nicodemus visiting Jesus to me. Don't worry Thi Chi, you're not Jesus .
    I find that many JWs are JWs for the wrong reason and thats why reason and evidence doesn't work with them. If a person loves God and that is their utmost allegience then they will listen to real information and not feel threatened because the truth means something to them. If a person is in it for any other reason, evidence gets you nowhere, it seems. They have no reason to change. Sad but true.

  • ashitaka

    but can you lead a horses' ass to water????????


  • Farkel


    It is time to say goodbye to them.

    That is up to you.

    Farkel, who did this

  • ThiChi

    “”Under the cover of darkness huh? Sounds like Nicodemus visiting Jesus to me. Don't worry Thi Chi, you're not Jesus “”

    The reference was to his not wanting to be seen coming to my house, not that I am Jesus...........

    Farkel: You are right, on paper. I still have so much affection of my ex-JW buds. When they contact me (putting their life at risk), I give them the best welcome possible.

  • Scully

    Thi Chi writes:

    My friend AGREED with me on most topics. However, the JWs keep him in line from sinning and going astray and for that, he is staying.

    Your friend is giving the JWs far too much credit. Almost every single one of us who posts here is evidence that you don't need to be a JW to be a good person, a law-abiding citizen, a great parent, or a terrific friend. Isn't that what the apostle Paul was referring to when he said that the people of the nations didn't need the Law, because God had written it on their hearts??

    Love, Scully

  • ThiChi

    Scully: That is a very good point. I wish I would have come back with your point. Next time!

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