my freinds funeral

by josephus 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • josephus

    a lovely lady was buried this week. she was 86. she allways liked me, and still talked to me even after i left the truth.

    everybody loved her, and her last words were "SEND MY LOVE TO THE BROTHERS" AND "DONT FORGET TO PUT IN MY DONATION FOR MARCH" the hall was only half full as she was buried i couldnt help but think that she was somewhat forgotten by here "brothers".

    anyway i just wanted to remember her.



  • Englishman

    Whad'ya mean, you left "the truth"?

    If it was true you should have stayed!


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    josephus, hello; I'm sorry to hear about your friend . I remember going to the funeral of a lovely old lady at the KH; she always just oozed calmness and non-judgementalism too. I hope the talk was about her,and not doctrine pushing; i remember feeling disgusted at the crappy talk Elsie got.At least YOU were there, but it makes you feel sad for them dos'nt it? Good job they can't see it...Take care.Night X

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