So in speaking to a non-JW relative the other day, I find that my mother has been quite active on the gossip circuit. My relative knew certain details about me that only my mother and a couple others knew. Of the three, my mother is by far the most inclined to speak maliciously about it. Putting it more succinctly, she has a big mouth. She has never taken my side and always assumed the worst about me. When she found out that I went to a ska concert when I was 15, she threatened to have me tested for marijuana and report the results to the elders. So now there are ugly rumours circulating about me in family (and I would suppose JW) circles. All but one have some element of truth to them, but they are exaggerated and made to look like I have done these things knowingly and purposely to bring shame on ‘Jehovah’s name’.
I think I am done with her for the rest of the year. I refuse to deal with having such a close family connection speaking vicious things about me behind my back and telling everyone I am a horrible person. She wrote me an email 5 days ago and I still haven’t responded. Now that I know something else, I’m thinking up something proper to say to her. I was going to go to the Hall this Sunday, but I don’t even want to look at her. I’m in the process of getting a new mobile phone, and I think I will change my number, giving it out to people whom I want to keep in contact with.
As I look down from the 7 th floor here, I see normal people walking, conversing, and living life on the busy street. Most of my family won’t speak to me, I live in an unfamiliar district, and the car that I once had is at my brother’s home over 100 kilometres away. I really need to get out of the city this weekend. I think I’ll take the ferry somewhere and find lodging for a couple days. It’s time to just get some people out of my mind.