How long ago was your last argument? What was it about? Who with? Was it worth it?
How long ago was your last argument? What was it about? Who with? Was it worth it?
by usualusername 5 Replies latest jw friends
Don't we already have a Minimus on this forum?
I keed.
lol. I'll play.
Two days ago, with my fiancee's sister-in-law, I had an argument about whether or not the "dickwolves" incident was representative of the character of the Penny Arcade creators. Honestly, arguing with her is never worth it. She has a very us-versus-them attitude, where she divides everyone up between people who agree with her and bigots.... Though it is fun to ruffle her feathers.
I have overlapping multiple arguments on the go at any one time . . . it's hard to determine which qualifies as last.
I don't care anymore
diana netherton
A co-worker over a chair. I switched the chair in one of the courtrooms that didn't suit her (rather larger)
posterior and that was it. She thew a fit and I just mentioned how sophmoric the whole thing was.
The next day she was standing at my door telling me that I was making her look bad, etc., so I got
up and told her that she didn't need me for that job and I that I had enough of her bleating on and
shut the door in her face. She still continued to talk so I switched on my fan.