*** br78 p. 7 Their Modern Development and Growth ***A crucial time was drawing close. In 1876 the Bible student Charles Taze Russell contributed the article “Gentile Times: When Do They End?” to the BibleExaminer, published in Brooklyn, New York, which said on page 27 of its October issue, “The seven times will end in A.D. 1914.” The Gentile Times is the period Jesus referred to as “the appointed times of the nations.” (Luke 21:24) Not all that was expected to happen in 1914 did happen, but it did mark the end of the Gentile Times and was a year of special significance.
*** jv chap. 16 p. 242 Meetings for Worship, Instruction, and Encouragement ***Beginning in about 1876, arrangements were made each year by the Bible Students for commemoration of the Lord’s death. At first, the group in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and vicinity met in the home of one of the friends.
*** w06 8/15 p. 13 “Let Us Compare Scripture With Scripture” ***Among those who became associated with George Storrs was a young man who was organizing a Bible study group in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His name was Charles Taze Russell. One of his first articles on Scriptural themes was published in 1876 in the magazine BibleExaminer, edited by Storrs. Russell acknowledged that earlier Bible students had an influence on him. (Storrs never became an official member of Russell's group.)
But they leave out clearly stating that for many years they taught that 1874 was the beginning of Christ's presence. Russell was associated with Barbour from 1876 to 1879.
*** w94 1/1 pp. 20-21 par. 4 The Watchtower and Awake!—Timely Journals of Truth ***In 1876, Charles T. Russell became affiliated with Nelson H. Barbour, of Rochester, New York. Russell provided funds to revive the printing of Barbour’s religious periodical HeraldoftheMorning, with Barbour as the principal editor and Russell as assistant editor. About a year and a half later, however, in the August 1878 issue of the Herald, Barbour wrote an article that denied the redemptive value of Christ’s death. Russell, who was nearly 30 years younger than Barbour, responded with an article in the very next issue that upheld the ransom, which he referred to as “one of the most important teachings of God’s Word.” (Matthew 20:28) After repeated efforts to reason Scripturally with Barbour, Russell finally decided to sever all ties with the Herald. Beginning with the June 1879 issue of that journal, Russell’s name no longer appeared as an assistant editor.
What else did they expect to happen in 1914 that did not? Conveniently left out by the WTS or hidden.