i dont know if this is good or bad and i'm intersted in opinion, comments ect.
my one and only real goal in life is to make sure my kid is happy all the time. i dont mean literally every second cause thats not possible but i mean from now until hes an adult i want him to have everything that i didnt. i dont ever want him to feel unloved or alone or invisible. i dont want him to ever feel like he doesnt belong or doesnt have friends. i want him surrounded by friends and family. i want him to enjoy multitudes of whatever activities make him happy. i want him to never feel sad or lonely about life. even if hes sad or lonely on a particular day. so thats basically what i live for now to make sure that he has everything he needs to be happy and healthy. i wont stand for anyone hurting my kid emotionally or in any other way, thats why one day soon we'll be saying bye bye to the dub family and their conditional love forever or until they come out. they'll never get their grubby claws in my kids head and screw him like they did me.
so anyway thats what i know my goal is and i cant help it thats just the way i is but i'm wondering if its a good thing. is it impossible? is it realistic? i mean thats what every parent wants i know but i really mean it. i'll do anything to make sure he never feels any of the things i felt as a kid. but am i setting myself up for failure?
i do think that the key to succeeding is obtaining my own happiness first. as the plaque on our bathroom wall used to read 'if momma aint happy, aint nobody happy'. i know i cant do it in my current state so i am trying to learn to like myself and figure out who i am and what parts of me i want to keep and what i feel is the jw me that i want to discard. i think this will be the hardest part of reaching my goal..liking myself and being happy.
after all, kicking someones ass for hurting my baby is easy
just wondering if any parents out there felt similar...am i going through another phase or has anyone got the same goal?