Was Adam 'Perfect'?

by cellomould 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cellomould

    That is actually an inference.

    Don't believe me? Read Genesis again.

    Recently, other folks here have mentioned the 'flaming sword' anachronism, the serpent 'eating dust', and the actual statement by God that 'man had become like us, knowing good and bad' (i.e. the serpent did not lie).

    If your curiosity is peaked by re-reading Genesis, think about what would have happened during the 'flood' to the rivers surrounding the Garden of Eden. If the Garden was destroyed, why would you expect the rivers to remain intact? Why could its location be remembered by the confluence of four rivers after the population was displaced in time and distance by the 'flood'?

    Creative storytelling, that's how.

    So, back to the subject... the bible says lots of creations were good, but God never referred to any, including Adam & Eve, as perfect.

    What does perfection mean anyhow?


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • chasson

    Oh yes, cellomoud, my favorite subject of discussion.

    Instead of being perfect, I think that Adam and Eve were innocent.

    If they were rebels why they didnt' try to eat the fruit of the tree of life ? Why Satan has not counselled them to do that ? A very bad plot, isn't it ?

    In french, you could read my last discussion with a JW about this subject:




  • cellomould

    Hey Charles,

    Perhaps the tree of life is still alive, eh? Isn't that what we'd expect?

    Someone should find it and see if it's still bearing fruit. Hehehe hehe.


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • cellomould

    oh, I'll try to read the French perhaps tomorrow. I'm sure I could get most of it if I weren't so tired... actually, the longer the words the better, cause more likely to be from Latin and thus have English equivalents. Hehehe hehe he


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • plmkrzy

    the tree of life took there lives so it was probably the only poison tree in the garden. If they trusted the right God they might still be alive? maybe the tree had fruit that caused them to loose a perfect amune system. they wern't perfect beings obviously because they were stupid.
    we will never know.

  • logical
    Perhaps the tree of life is still alive, eh? Isn't that what we'd expect?

    The tree of life does indeed still exist:
    Revelation 2:7, Revelation 22:1-2

  • ElijahTheThird

    Most interesting,,,



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