Moonies - program on UK TV this thursday

by dozy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • dozy

    This program looks interesting. UK only. Someone once described the Unification Church as "the WTBTS on Steroids".

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Someone once described the Unification Church as "the WTBTS on Steroids".

    I'll be watching it

  • slimboyfat

    I wonder how many Moonies there are in the UK. Numbers are not easy to come by but my guess is there are not very many at all. Still interesting though.

    All I know about the Moonies is from the famous book The Making of a Moonie: Choice or Brainwashing written by Eileen Barker in the 1980s. It tried to avoid sensationalism and some accused her of being an apologist for the church.

  • oompa

    hahahah....the WTBTS on THAT is funny to me...nice description...........oompa

    hope to see it on the web somehow

  • dozy

    I think Stephen Hassan was a member , wasn't he? UK website is here

    Not too many UK members by the looks of it.

  • dozy

    Bttt. Sky Plus set for tonight.

    One of the posters mentioned that Rev Moon spoke to over 4,000 in London this year , so I guess that gives an indication of the number of members in the UK.

    Already loads of comments on the website from Moonies & apostate ex-Moonies. The similarities with JW / WTBTS are a bit of an eye opener. ( eg compare the following comment)

    I find it fascinating that the very wonderful truth that our loving parent in Heaven has revealed through Rev. Moon has not been mentioned in any discussion. This truth was and still today my main motivation for following as a disciple. After two days( not really enough time for 'brainwashing' to occur!) I knew that many burning questions in my life were answered. For anyone even faintly curious about what makes a Unificationist tick, then they owe it to themselves to get hold of some reading material from the H.Q. in London and take a serious look at the revelation itself. A wonderful truth and I can only thank God for His endless love for us all as His children that it means so much to me still.

    The references from some of the posters to Moon as "Father" are disturbingly similar to the way the WTBTS / GB wants to be called "Mother".

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