Just finished watching Goodfellas for the six hundered and sixty sixth time, and I realized that despite there not being a gay bone in my entire body, Deniro's face when making the silent decision to whack Morrie, is one of the most attractive things I've seen in a man in a long time. It got me to thinking about other socialpaths in film who carried themselves in a manner that was so cold, yet so drawing to the viewer. Can you relate?
Deniro's scene I referenced.......
Look at that face!!!! You knew Morrie was gonna catch a bad one at that point!! You knew it was gonna be a wrap!!!!! Elderelite told me he makes that face at the KH right before he decides to pull a wayward publisher into the library, but you didn't hear that from me.
MArlo Stanfield's tee shirt which says, Royal Addiction, says it all. He wasn't made to play the son.
Hello Carson, , let's go to your room.