The "Right" to sell Useless WT

by JT 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    I JW sent this to me today to let me know that "WE" got the right to "Spread the Good News of God's Kingdom"


    On August 14, 1997, former President Bill Clinton unveiled new executive guidelines aimed at protecting religious expression in the federal workplace, provided that it does not conflict with an employee's work.
    (5) Expression Directed at Fellow Employees. Employees are permitted to engage in religious expression directed at fellow employees, and may even attempt to persuade fellow employees of the correctness of their religious views. Some religions encourage adherents to spread the faith at every opportunity, a duty that can encompass the adherent's workplace. They are entitle to do this as long as a reasonable observer would not interpret the expression as government endorsement of the religion and it does not interfere with workplace efficiency. Employees must refrain from such expressions when a fellow employee asks that it stop or otherwise demonstrates that it is unwelcome.

    e) An applicant for employment in a governmental agency who is a Jehovah's Witness should not be compelled, contrary to her religious beliefs, to take a loyalty oath whose form is religiously objectionable.

  • Scully

    JT writes:

    (5) Expression Directed at Fellow Employees. Employees are permitted to engage in religious expression directed at fellow employees, and may even attempt to persuade fellow employees of the correctness of their religious views. Some religions encourage adherents to spread the faith at every opportunity, a duty that can encompass the adherent's workplace. They are entitle to do this as long as a reasonable observer would not interpret the expression as government endorsement of the religion and it does not interfere with workplace efficiency. Employees must refrain from such expressions when a fellow employee asks that it stop or otherwise demonstrates that it is unwelcome.

    OK, so you tell the office dub "Sorry, I'm trying to get my work done, please stop preaching to me", right? And whenever they open their mouth on any JW topic again, you write them up to management for religious harrassment.


    Love, Scully

  • patio34

    Hi JT,

    FYI: I work for a county government and persuasion for political or religious views is verboten.


    WTBS: Quit peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining.
  • Nemesis

    Do you think the reverse is also acceptable, that we can preach the incorrectness of the Watchtower’s doctrines and methodology [coercion, manipulation, slander, brainwashing, and blackmail to name a few] and if we are not allowed to do this that becomes a breach of our human rights to expose false religions? Surely if they have a right to chew our ear off with their beliefs then we have to right to expose their false reasoning and doctrines also as a witness to them.

  • MadApostate

    Well, your "JW Friend" copied that excerpt from here, since I posted it a few weeks back. That is my "excerpting" of a much larger page.

  • JT



    it looks like my boy has been doing "SOME LURKING"


    i had a feeling that he was lurking - told me that he does'nt mess with sites like this

    I will email him and ask "I found that quote interesting could you send me the link that you got it from"

    i wonder will he be up front and tell me he was up here

    that Jive Turkey

  • JT


    that was my thought as well- i know in most places you are not allowed to sell your religion, but i guess it will have to be COURT TESTED


  • JT


    CAN YOU IMagine how fast the jw would be trying to have you written up for doing that


  • Dutchy

    Just because the governement gives one the Right to preach our religion at the workplace, does not negate the Duty we have to our employer to do the job he is paying us for. Work is certainly no place to do the preaching work. I once worked with a JT and she was pioneering too. Every chance she got during the day she would go downstairs and stand by the elevator bank with her magazines. We were on the 63rd floor and she would travel all the way down to the lobby, stand there with her magaizines for maybe 15 minutes and then travel back up again. Our elevators are fast but still it took time. She didn't just do this at lunch time, but several times throughout the day as well. Needless to say, she was fired.

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