I JW sent this to me today to let me know that "WE" got the right to "Spread the Good News of God's Kingdom"
On August 14, 1997, former President Bill Clinton unveiled new executive guidelines aimed at protecting religious expression in the federal workplace, provided that it does not conflict with an employee's work.
(5) Expression Directed at Fellow Employees. Employees are permitted to engage in religious expression directed at fellow employees, and may even attempt to persuade fellow employees of the correctness of their religious views. Some religions encourage adherents to spread the faith at every opportunity, a duty that can encompass the adherent's workplace. They are entitle to do this as long as a reasonable observer would not interpret the expression as government endorsement of the religion and it does not interfere with workplace efficiency. Employees must refrain from such expressions when a fellow employee asks that it stop or otherwise demonstrates that it is unwelcome.
e) An applicant for employment in a governmental agency who is a Jehovah's Witness should not be compelled, contrary to her religious beliefs, to take a loyalty oath whose form is religiously objectionable.