This organization is light-years removed from its roots of the 1870s. Back then, there weren't even congregations but groups/cells were called classes and the emphasis was on reading the Bible and delving into its meaning. Yes, the "Bible Students" as they were eventually called, were concerned with the hoped-for end of the world in 1914, but they were also zealous about learning Bible doctrine.
Now here we are in the first quarter of the twenty-first century and the Bible has lost its primary position. When I attended my first meetings at a Kingdom Hall in 1968, the Bible was referenced and read frequently--so frequently in fact that as a newbie I couldn't find the scriptures fast enough before the speaker had moved on to either reading or citing another one. Today, the emphasis has shifted to "the faithful and discreet slave" and what it wants to indoctrinate the rank-and-file with. Jehovah is infrequently mentioned or named. Jesus has been rendered practically invisible. And the Bible? It has been superceded by "the publications" as the essential and vital textual reference.
The meetings have been shortened because the WTS knows that many attend only out of rote, not a sincere desire to please God or follow in his Son's footsteps. So it should come as no surprise that they are devoid of any real and substantial scriptural content. Lip service is given to reading and studying the Bible. Witnesses are not encouraged or taught how to have a meaningful personal relationship with their Creator. They are ignorant about the important role Jesus plays even now. All they know is to march in lock step with the thinking of the WTS. They've gone from being Bible students to being WTS stooges, more's the pity.