Putting words into the mouth of God and Christ

by Cinciguy74 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cinciguy74

    So, as some of you are aware, I have been doing a lot of research.

    I recently came across the July 1, 1943 Watchtower article "Righteous Requirements" and have simply been amazed that the society did not simply say "We require that Pioneers have this many hours." That would seem like a simple thing to do, or say. And would even be a reasonable way of defining what would make someone a Pioneer, etc.

    Nope, the Society has to take it one step further, and make it seem as though Christ himself were feeding the words to them:

    These expressions of God's will by his King and through
    his establishcd agency constitute his law or rule of action
    for the "faithful and wise servant" and for their goodwill
    companions today who will dwell upon the earth
    for ever in the New World. The Lord breaks down our
    organization instructions further and makes them more
    practicable by further instructing us through his "faithful
    and wise servant". He says, 'Let us assign the field,
    the world, to special pioneers, regular pioneers and companies
    of Jehovah's witnesses in an orderly way, sufficient
    for everyone to thoroughly witness therein, and let us
    place upon each one the responsibility of caring for the
    New World interests in these respective assignments.' He
    says the requirements for special pioneers shall be 175
    hours and 50 back-calls per month, which should develop
    into a reasonable number of studies; and for regular
    pioneers 150 hours and as many back-calls and studies as
    can be properly developed during that time. And for
    company publishers he says, 'Let us make a quota of 60
    hours and 12 back-calls and at least one study a week
    for each publisher.' These directions come to us from
    the Lord through his established agency directing what
    is required of us; and, for those who really love the Lord
    and are guided by his counsel, that is a reasonable service
    requirement. This expression of the Lord's will should be
    the end of all controversy. It is for your good that these
    requirements are made; for thereby you are enabled to
    prove your integrity and magnify the Lord's name.

    Notice, it says "He says". I wanted to scream reading this, and am not sure how anyone can read it and still believe the "We have never spoken in his name" creedo you hear when confronting someone about failed prophecy.

  • LostGeneration

    That Jesus, such a slave driver.

    Bet he regrets all of that getting nailed to a cross/stake thing now, no need to provide salvation to his workers when they can just earn it by putting in hours.

  • sir82

    Hmm, they aren't so dogmatic about "What we say is what God says" now. They merely strongly imply it.

    They've learned subtlety in the past 70 years.

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