what do they do with all the money? the org. has no shelters no food drives no schools and no tms doesnt count! no charity if a gave a check to org right now what proof is there that its used properly?when we count fs time we nickle and dime and take out time for lunch some deduct travel time almost down to second but there is no way to track donation funds? if its all on the up and up why not show books?how does government allow this to happen if this is how it works every crook and drug dealer in town could start a religion to launder money. at the very lease woudlnt some states require pan handlers license for wtnss asking for donations i bet it can be proven not all those funds are used for religious purposes.
How to Track Societies money?
by criticalwitness 1 Replies latest jw friends
You can see some of their book in countries like Canada and England, but these also donate large sums to the mother Bethal which has a privilege of hiding behind the law and doesn't need to reveal any of its holdings. What they do at the top is a very good question that most of us would like to know.
Top brass' travels are paid for by wts, lawyers and financial advisers probably get paid very well. How much is paid for lobbying is a mystery. It seems that wts is like a trust corporation, gets bigger and bigger but doesn't really pay out - or does it? Russell's and Rutherford's lifestyle indicate that these two lived very well of the corporation but that appeared to have ended with Knorr and new created GB. But again what is know from that era is up until 1980 from what Ray Franz indicated and for the last 30 years we really have no clue. It does appear that even Ray didn't know much about the financials of the organization since he hasn't wrote about it.
Maybe there is any certified US accountants here that can suggest what legal grounds would top brass have to large paychecks under religious charities and would there be a way to find out income of such individuals. Or do such ones simple expense anything and everything under wts which again may be tricky to do as such gifts would have to be claimed by individuals under IRS (I assume).
If anyone here knew personally the wts lawyers or accountants maybe they can share their experience of these individuals lifestyles and assets.