Vatican Scandal - Watchtower Prophecy in the making.
by Momma-Tossed-Me 7 Replies latest jw friends
It is disappointing not more has leaked out of the headquarters. A lawyer with a pang of conscience or some such.
Like you guys I'm waiting and hoping that the BORG will go down.
lol, some dubs are already on it.
From the comments section on this article
Did you ever wonder who the Harlot is in the book of Revalation in the Bible? The clue says it is she who sits on many nations, waters (people)and sits like a queen throughout the earth. Answer to clue: All world-wide organized religion, whether it be catholic, protestant, jewish, islamic, etc. The crown jewel of the harlot is the catholic church, and it is says the Harlot eventually falls and is destroyed by the polical systems of this world and everyone says, "Shame, Shame" - you think this is impossible? It is not because it says "God will PUT IT IN THEIR HEARTS" to do this. It will be the beginning of the Great Tribulation and then Armageddon when God destroys all the wicked on the earth and brings in a new mellenium of his Kingdom ruled by Christ Jesus to the earth. You are seeing a time of history that has been prophecied about for 2,000 years and is soon to come true, to the blessing of all mankind left on the earth. Watch you News.
They look so crazy now when I read what they say. But in my more pious days I probably would've left a comment like this. Disturbing.
I remember the witlesses bashing the Cat Lick church for the pedophile scandals, all the while hiding an even worse problem of their own within their own organization. I am willing to bet that there are even worse scandals right now within the witlesses, all the while they bash the Cat Lick church for their own problems.
Yes, shame on the Cat Lick church. Shame on them for plunging the world into the First Dark Ages. Shame on them for their role in bringing Africans into other parts of the world and selling them as slaves (and I hope that hits the mainstream big time). Shame on them for molesting children by teaching them that sex is dirty (and that's on top of the pedophile incidents). Shame on them for shaming people into confessions and then holding onto such records in secret to be used against them at a later time (and even worse shame for hiding such, to make cross-referencing impossible). And shame on them for such blatant hypocrisy.
However, even worse shame on the Washtowel. For not only do they have all the same problems (though instead of kidnapping Africans to sell them as slaves, they use everyone as their own slaves). They then turn around and bash other religions for these problems while practicing the same rubbish themselves. And they are even worse at hiding problems than the Cat Licks. Plus, though they claim to be no part of the world, they were members of the UN during the 1990s (and that fact leads me to believe they are members of the United Council of Churches, a corrupt organization that keeps these religions in compliance with the One World Totalitarian Government--they are CURRENT members, not just in the past.
The whole of Christi-SCAM-ity, Judaism, and Islam has to go. All three of them.
You might be shocked to know that purple was the color of kings in the ancient world. The book of R is referring to Rome oppressing the jews, the author doesnt care about the other peoples who were their slaves. Its all about the jews. The beast is none other than Nero. 666 = Nero in gematria, dont believe me look it up. The crown and anti christ etc all point to Nero. Apparently many back then believe that Nero was resurrected and returned. Im not making this stuff up look it up on wiki or any good history book. Study the life of nero and its not hard to match teh symbolism. Nero was the 7th caesar, with Julius Caesar the 1st... etc.
The Bible does not refer to the Vatican in anyway. If you have any prophecies tell everyone, today , so we can watch them come true. Its very easy to make statements after the event.
Church "...will weather the storm" Pope says.