Having a discussion with my daughter about the difference betweem magic and miracles started by a post on FB as well.
Basically, an unexplained phenomenon occurring near someone known to have God's approval. Water into wine for example is always classed as a miracle.
When a comparable alleged occurrence is performed by bad guys it is no longer a miracle but classed as magic and evil or satanic. This is very paradoxical. Moses and sticks and snakes being a good example of this.
Feeding lots of people with bread and fish is a brilliant trick (if true) but would it have been classed as a miracle if Satan had done it? No, he would have been accused of pretending to be an angel of light.
Conclusion: Sparlock and his kind will always be villified. There is nothing he can ever ever do which would make him acceptable. There is no evidence to support the Mum's view of him as being evil or a bad influence on her son but this does not stop her condemning him.
Sparlock is innocent of all charges.