If you're struggling with becoming an ex-jw, stick with web
sites like this one, as part of the healing process.
Being here - and getting a better education - has helped me
realize that the Watchtower has little or nothing worth preserving,
at least in the Western world. It is such a narrow and sterile
subculture that it's difficult to find anything that ought to
last another generation.
I would also argue that it interferes with preserving traditional
moral values. I noticed many of my step daughters''worldly' friends
were far more morally conservative than she was - likely because
the organization 'taught her' about hypocrisy, lies, and meaningless
meetings - so that Judeo- Christian religion now appears as a
waste of time.
Heck, the Moslems produced some good geometric art
the Catholics built some good architecture,
What will the watchtower contribute to history?
Recycled pulp (magazines)
and maybe a footnote in some history of the 20th century.