Nothing Worth Reforming

by metatron 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    If you're struggling with becoming an ex-jw, stick with web
    sites like this one, as part of the healing process.

    Being here - and getting a better education - has helped me
    realize that the Watchtower has little or nothing worth preserving,
    at least in the Western world. It is such a narrow and sterile
    subculture that it's difficult to find anything that ought to
    last another generation.

    I would also argue that it interferes with preserving traditional
    moral values. I noticed many of my step daughters''worldly' friends
    were far more morally conservative than she was - likely because
    the organization 'taught her' about hypocrisy, lies, and meaningless
    meetings - so that Judeo- Christian religion now appears as a
    waste of time.

    Heck, the Moslems produced some good geometric art
    the Catholics built some good architecture,
    What will the watchtower contribute to history?

    Recycled pulp (magazines)
    and maybe a footnote in some history of the 20th century.


  • Satanus


  • RunningMan

    I often wondered, during my deprogramming, if the organization was worth salavaging, subject to certain reformations.

    Well, the first reformation should be abolishment of disfellowshipping. But, if they did that, the entire doctrinal house of cards would be exposed to critisizm. It would completely fall. It can only be sustained in a closed environment

    Then there's the murderous blood doctrine that must go, but for legal reasons, they can't simply change it, they must slowly back away and allow a generation of JW's to die of old age, first.

    Then the chronology must be reformed. The "1914" mantra is getting to be a tough sell.

    In other words, if the Society made the necessary changes, there would be nothing left. They are destined to blunder forward, getting sicker and stupider all the time.

    You're right, there is nothing worth saving.

  • SixofNine
    What will the watchtower contribute to history?

    Judging from the above, I'm going to guess that history will not give credit to the JW religion for the advancement of architecture or photography. History is snobbish that way.

  • metatron

    A beautiful summary of the situation, running man

    especially the part about getting sicker and stupider
    as time goes on. Their minds are so steeped in dead legalism
    that they can't see any wat out.


  • Dutchy

    Metatron: I suspect that your daughter's "worldly" friends appear to be more moral than her peers who are JW's simply because JW's legislate morality. Therefore, as a JW you are not allowed to live by your conscience as to what is right and wrong, but instead you look to the Organization to tell you what is right and wrong. JW's set the rules as to what is right and wrong and expect their followers to obey them and, as we all know, those rules are subject to change at any time.

  • ChristFollower

    Good points. Near the end (about a year before I left) I had noticed that the "worldly" people were often more moral than JW's. It is for several reasons, but one is that the WT does not teach ethics. As a JW in good standing, I was taking a class on communication, and for some reason, part of the course work was taking this ethics test. I was shocked to find out that I flunked the ethics test! I thought what is going on here? Is this some worldly "consipiracy of satan" (JDub thinking) or did the WT not teach me ethics? Or did it teach poor ethics?

    I pushed the thought out of my mind, but eventually (after I left) realized that the WT doesn't teach ethics. If they did, everyone would have to do the ethical thing and leave!

    I will tell a true story. You won't believe me, and especially the JDubs don't believe me. I forced it out of my mind when I was in, so I practically didn't even see it.

    One elder's son (who had been a pioneer and MS candidate) comitted a string of armed robberies in convenience stores. He was going to college with me at the time (and in good standing!) and he used two other JW boys (raised in the "truth") to help him do it. I would say the WT does not teach ethics!

  • TMS


    Judging from the above, I'm going to guess that history will not give credit to the JW religion for the advancement of architecture or photography. History is snobbish that way.

    Actually, Six, I loved those old crackerbox Kingdom Halls, all of them unique in their own quaint way. That COULD have been the JW legacy. Why would a place of worship need to be anything but four walls, a commode and a dimly lit theocratic library closet?

    But no! We needed assembly line cookie cutter quick builds, with the seldom used circuit overseer apartment, the mahogany elder table and the large indebtedness.


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