The rhetoric today is as strict as ever. Don't go to college and don't have kids. Pioneer as this system winds to an end.
But surely the head honchos by now have realized that they have an unsustainable economic model. That model being that most of their converts are coming from 3rd world countries......and the work in those countries is being largely supported by donations coming from wealthier countries....where the growth is stagnant at best. Surely they realize that the internet is their worst enemy. Surely they realize that those that may be "interested" are actually doing their homework and researching this cult (something that couldn't be easily done 20 years ago)....and that this IS a growing trend.
Do you think it is a possibility that they could realize that the only real hope to maintain numbers is to grow from within? 20 years from now it will be easier to brainwash a born in child than to try to get those they meet in the ministry to voluntarily NOT do research on the organization. After all, the Mormons have done a pretty good job of growing that way.
Do you think we may in the future see them tout "be fruitful....become many and fill the earth!" as new light? That Jehovah wants his organization to grow from within just like the Israelite camp?