Ahh, now I understand the reasoning for reaching out to the "wicked" internet. More $$$. The cat's out of the bag, or should I say Sparlock's out of the waste basket. I predict more animated Watchtower projects on the way. Downloads/DvDs. Comics perhaps? And maybe a cooking show about the evils of using ginsu knives....
SPARLOCK to Watchtower Corp. rescue!!!
by mind blown 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Back in the mid 1980's the WTS. demeaned the use and involvement of computers in general, even citing scriptures.
Now the same corrupt publishing house is starting to encourage the use of computers in distributing their published works
via the inter-net. The only qestion left is when will the WTS. have their own Commercail web site up where one can buy their goods
(or Donate ) .
edmond dantes
THey would make a fortune sending out 15 minute DVDs on how to live your life the Jehovah way for a contrbution of course.
As long as they are as head smackingly stupid as Become Jehovah's Friend, they are still in deep trouble.
Sparlock is the one running the WT.
They would make a fortune sending out 15 minute DVDs on how to live your life the Jehovah way for a contrbution of course.
Think you got it !!!!!
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
Either that or, instead of asking for a donation, they just tack on an exorbitant shipping and "handling" fee.
You know 'cause sending those bulky heavy DVDs in a flimsy plastic case would take $14.95 to prepare and ship.