Do you think there is any chance we could get a Chinese (or other Asian) company to make a cheap knock off of Sparlock The Warrior Wizard? They probably either know how to avoid copyright problems or don't care much about irritating an American cult.
Spahrlokk The Magic Making Soldier Guy
by DT 7 Replies latest jw friends
google chinese plastic toy manufacturer
there's lots of results.
This is as close as it gets I guess
You might have to send them a prototype... unless they do that for you. Otherwise there's LEGO!
I like the lego wizard. I may go to a toy store to see if a can get one. It would be cool if we could get some little Sparlock stickers that we can put on things that are similar to Sparlock.
wha happened?
they will make anything in China if u want to pony up for the prototype. Years back I was importing cell phone accessories. Just google toy m,anufacturers for china. I think lists chinese manufacturers
"My Bible Lessons" - WT feature for infants 3 and Under
For those that are interested in discussing the broader issues concerning the WT's agenda to indoctrinate children, particularly the very young, I created a related thread addressing the relatively new WT feature "My Bible Lessons". These two page "lessons" which appear in the Public version of the WT about every three months are specifically designed for infants "Age 3 and Under" and their parents.
Caleb of Sparlock fame made his debut in the most recent MBL.