My parents are now reaching their 80's and have a substantial portfolio. Although I've never actually seen their Will, they've mentioned that they may be leaving quite a large sum (roughly 25%) of their estate to the Watchtower Corp. My questions are
A. Once the money is sent, if requested back by one of the children is there any way to get the money back from the Corp?
B. I've heard that when member's are on their death bed, they are visited by the BOE or 2 Elders and are instructed to do the usual prayers and encouragement and ask (among other things) if the dying persons "financial affairs are in order" and/or if they would like to leave something to the WT. Is this true or just a myth?
I hate to think of this stuff but my parents are very gullible (always have been) but it irritates me to no end that they are sending years of hard earned money to a real estate and publishing Corporation. Frankly, it pisses me off to no end! If they took the money and bought a home for abused teens or helped those in need or something, I wouldn't mind at all! But this is nonsense.
I would really appreciate some advise.
Thanks, Zordino