Where was Jehovah for people before The WTS?

by mrbunyrabit 3 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • mrbunyrabit

    I was just wondering, Since the WTS claims its the only true religion, and channel to God, Where Was Jehovah for the people before the WTS?
    How did they get to know truths? I know it was "prophesied" that the true religion will die down, and come back at the end of the system, but um.... where was God for the poor people who didnt have th WTS?

    And how would you answer the "prophesy" that the true religion will come back at the end of the system?

  • GeneM

    He was in the same place he is now. In the active imaginations of people who don't grow up.

  • Nambo

    Re your last line, I would say that as we havnt come to the end of the system yet, (though I belive it will be soon, just not 100 years ago), then the true religion will indeed come back, but it wont be a religion of man, it will be led by Jesus himself, it will be announced by the "Two Witnesses" who will perform the signs from the Bible in a literal sence, not the figurative sense the JWs put on all prophesy in a way that they can make apply to them.

    As for who the "Two Witneses" will be? maybe Elijah and Moses, or two existing Humans, but one of them certainly wont be the Satanic Pyramid as the Witnesses claim.

    Maybe this answers your first question as well, as the JWs are not the true religion, then mankind is at present in exactly the same position as it was before the IBSA, namely that God is available to any who sincerely want to fnd him.

    As for Truth, its allways been in the Bible, when its required to know more specific "truths", then the high Priest Jesus will reveal it as per Daniel 12, it will be differant from the JWs "wise understanding" because, coming from Jesus, it will be correct from the start, and wont have to keep being revised and changed.

  • JWOP

    According to the Watchtower Society, there are "abundant credentials" that the Faithful and Discreet Slave has been around since Noah's day. You can find this list in the March 1, 1981 Watchtower, p.27 (I've highlighted some of the more laughable ones):

    (1) Noah’s wife, Gen. 7:7; (2) angels sent to Lot, Gen. 19:15; (3) Rebekah, Gen. 24:64; (4) Joseph and Benjamin, Gen. 45:14; (5) gleanings left behind, Lev. 19:9; (6) two spies to Rahab, Josh. 2:4; (7) Barak, Judg. 4:14; (8) Jephthah, Judg. 11:34; (9) Naomi and Ruth, Ruth 2:2; (10) David’s Israelite warriors, 2 Sam. 18:1; (11) Jehu, 2 Ki. 10:11, 15; (12) Mordecai and Esther, Esther 4:13; (13) Job, Job 42:10, 13; (14) King’s daughter, Ps. 45:13; (15) men of loving-kindness, Ps. 50:5; (16) intimate group, Ps. 89:7; (17) Shear-jashub, Isa. 7:3; (18) light of the nations, Isa. 60:3; (19) big trees of righteousness, Isa. 61:3; (20) ministers of our God, Isa. 61:6; (21) cluster preserved, Isa. 65:8; (22) servants called by another name, Isa. 65:15; (23) men trembling at God’s word, Isa. 66:5; (24) new nation born, Isa. 66:8; (25) Jeremiah, Jer. 1:10; (26) Jehovah’s people in the new covenant, Jer. 31:33; (27) enduring watchman, Ezek. 3:16-27; (28) man in linen, Ezek. 9:2; (29) cleansed people, Ezek. 36:29-32; (30) dwellers in center of earth, Ezek. 38:12; (31) the host of heaven, Dan. 8:10; (32) sanctuary restored (cleansed), Dan. 8:14; (33) they that are wise, Dan. 11:33; (34) the happy one who is keeping in expectation, Dan. 12:12; (35) all flesh receiving the spirit, Joel 2:28; (36) Jonah, Jon. 3:1-3; (37) apple of Jehovah’s eye, Zech. 2:8; (38) liberated remnant, Zech. 2:7; (39) a Jew, Zech. 8:23; (40) sons of Levi, Mal. 3:3; (41) wheat, Matt. 13:25; (42) sons of the kingdom, Matt. 13:38; (43) workers for the vineyard, Matt. 20:1; (44) those invited to marriage feast, Matt. 22:3-14; (45) chosen ones, Matt. 24:22; (46) eagles, Matt. 24:28; (47) faithful and discreet slave, Matt. 24:45; (48) discreet virgins, Matt. 25:2; (49) brothers of the king, Matt. 25:40; (50) little flock of sheep, Luke 12:32; (51) beggar Lazarus, Luke 16:20; (52) sheep in “this fold,” John 10:1-16; (53) branches of the vine, John 15:4; (54) royal palace of David, Acts 15:16; (55) heirs with Christ, Rom. 8:17; (56) the remnant, Rom. 11:5; (57) branches in the olive tree, Rom. 11:24; (58) holy ones or saints, 1 Cor. 6:2; Rev. 16:6; (59) temple, 1 Cor. 6:19; (60) new creation, 2 Cor. 5:17; (61) ambassadors for Christ, 2 Cor. 5:20; (62) congregation of God, Gal. 1:13; (63) part of Abraham’s seed, Gal. 3:29; (64) Israel of God, Gal. 6:16; (65) body of Christ, Eph. 1:22, 23; (66) soldiers of Christ Jesus, 2 Tim. 2:3; (67) house under Christ, Heb. 3:6; (68) holy priesthood, 1 Pet. 2:5; (69) holy nation, 1 Pet. 2:9; (70) association of brothers, 1 Pet. 2:17; (71) seven congregations, Rev. 1:20; (72) twenty-four persons of advanced age, Rev. 4:4; (73) spiritual Israel, Rev. 7:4; (74) locusts, Rev. 9:3; (75) two witnesses, Rev. 11:3; (76) two olive trees, Rev. 11:4; (77) seed of the woman, Rev. 12:17; (78) New Jerusalem, Rev. 21:2; (79) the bride of Christ, Rev. 22:17; 19:7; (80) Jehovah’s witnesses, Isa. 43:10.

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