strangest/horrifying dream....

by wonderwoman77 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • wonderwoman77

    Last night I had the weirdist dream...I had a dream that I was going to be euthinized. In my dream I was diagnosised with a brain tumor and somehow my mom had got me to sign a paper that I would agree to get the procedure. But they were not 100% sure I would die if I did not have it. I did not want the procedure, but I had signed this paper or someone had signed it. Then I went to work and I knew my time of death would be 10:50pm. I told my boss and she cried with me and tried to help me stop the procedure. I got taken to this warehouse and they started to stick these tubes in me. I was trying to pull them out and I woke up thrashing. I have scratches on my arm where I was trying to pull the tubes out in my sleep. It is still haunting me today....

  • Elsewhere

    Fearing a lack of control.
    (Just my psychobabble)


    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126

    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • wonderwoman77

    Elsewhere, I agree with that, but also a friend of mine passed away and she was just a year older than me, only 25. Also, my boss has been like a second mom to me and is great, so I can see why she would be protecting me from my own mom I have not seen in months. And I am overly stressed and I have been having headaches and dizzy spells that I have a fear could be all that together makes my dream. But it was still freaky and weird.

  • Elsewhere

    ((((Sorry about your loss))))

  • messenger

    Sounds like a JW induced blood doctrine subconscious rejection syndrome.

  • GentlyFeral


    Don't assume that the dizzy spells are a brain tumor. I'm a clerk/secretary in a medical office, and last time I saw the word "dizziness" on a test report, it was a thyroid test. It could be any one of a large number of not-acutely-fatal conditions.

    The control issues in the dream are pretty scary, though. I do wish you luck. And strength.


  • Smoldering Wick
    Smoldering Wick

    Physical and Emotional Reactions to Grief

    By Linda S. Mintle, Ph.D.

    Grief is a time of stress that taxes the immune system, making the body more susceptible to illness. During grief, try to eat nutritiously and get plenty of rest, even though you are not thinking about self-care and will have difficulty doing these two things. Physical symptoms can include headaches, fatigue, appetite loss, dizziness, heart palpitations, numbness and insomnia. The overall feeling is one of body exhaustion caused by the intensity of emotions.

    Dreaming after the death of a loved one — whether a family member, friend or pet — is normal; in fact, dreaming is the soul’s way of mourning.

    There's a lot of things in life we don't understand or can't control. It does leave us feeling vunerable. Emotions can and do affect us physically. The stronger the emotion, the more we are affected. There are a lot of things we can 'read' into your dream...and all understandable. Just remember it's important to release your emotional loss and grief...dreams are just another way we do this.

    I'm sorry I wasn't very talkative the other night when you came into chat and told us of your loss. It brought up a lot of my own grief that I had buried and not dealt with. The loss of a friend is very difficult. My thoughts are with you.



  • wonderwoman77

    GF, Yeah I know it is most likely not a big problem, but the doc said if they did not go away he wanted to do an mri, so I am sure that is why I was thinking that in my subconscious...

  • Bang

    They're trying to tell you that you're thinking wrongly (the tumour), but somehow you know your not (no procedure). However, you suspect that they would go as far as harming you about it, but you're not really sure, you can't trust them (who signed the paper?).
    Importantly, you know inside they have nothing for you but you can't just get rid of them (time of death known).

    I suppose that your boss isn't a jw, so she cries with you, and you can't totally discard some bits of what they say (tubes in me) - and that happened in a place where things are made, work is done, and it's not a comfortable and homely place.

    Anyway, how does that sound?


  • wonderwoman77
    wonderwoman77 one in my family is still a jw, I do not think it had to do with them at all. My mom signed the paper, she does have borderline personality disorder, which has caused much strain on our relationship. It is crazy...I know.

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