I am not familiar with what is and is not included in copies of Awake, but in reasearching the blood doctrine and discovering the 'selective editing' of a newspaper article in the 22nd February edition, if this article is representative of their general reporting, the word 'tendentious' springs to mind!
This is the site's description of the magazine:
'The international newsmagazine Awake!, published by Jehovah's Witnesses, frequently features articles on health and medicine. While Awake! does not dispense medical advice or endorse specific treatments, it does offer up-to-date, accurate information on many health issues. Because it is published in 83 languages with a circulation of more than 19 million copies, Awake! often reaches readers who otherwise have limited access to health care or health education.'
Now that's scary stuff!
"Awake! does not recommend any particular kind of medical treatment"
Does anyone have any Awake articles which do in fact 'recommend' particular kinds of medical treatment - blood treatment in particular in mind here?
Or are the articles about the blood doctrine published elsewhere?
I'm aware of the blood brochure and I heartily endorse the statement: 'You owe it to yourself to get the facts in order to make an informed choice about blood' which appeared in the brochure last year.
But how effective would that information be when placed beside the weight of material appearing in the society's publications including the following statement in the blood brochure: "Each year thousands die as a result of transfusions; multitudes more get very sick and face long-term consequences. So, even from a physical standpoint, there is wisdom right now in heeding the Biblical command to 'abstain from blood.'—Acts 15:28, 29."?
There's not a statistic or medical report to back up these statements, but being put forward by the organisation who stands as 'mother' giving meat in due season, how many members would question this information?
Interesting use of the words 'right now' though I thought! It would appear to open the possibility of future change.....or am I just an optimist?