Their first recorded effort to sell vacant land in Brooklyn:
by Room 215 3 Replies latest jw friends
Their first recorded effort to sell vacant land in Brooklyn:
I thought one reader's comment hit the nail on the head:
Brilliant move by the Watchtower cashing out before their 100 year anniversary of the 1914 Jesus return date defaults.
The Watchtower has built their empire on solicited donations from hundreds of thousands of followers,with the promise of "God's Kingdom paradise" before they grow old enough to need their retirement savings.
Only religion can get away with this.
LOOK what the Watchtower does with member a$$ets
Read more: I also believe that all this money flowing into WTS coffers will make the Governing Body more elitist than ever. Since they'll now be able to enjoy a 'comfortable home in the country', they can be that much more callous to the needs and problems others face. On the other hand, perhaps all of this activity means "The End Is Near"...the End of the WTS, that is. With its heyday behind it and donations starting to decline, perhaps the organization realizes that more and more people want to have less and less to do with it leading to its ultimate demise. One can only hope. Quendi
They still need to hold on to the 3.1 acre lot at 85 J Street since they need the parking area.
They may have other outer buildings to sell.
The last of their properties to be sold no doubt will be 124 Columbia Hts and 119 Columbia HTs which have not been rennovated, followed by 107 and 97 columbia Heights, The Towers Bldg. at 79-99 Willow St. (21 Clark Street), The Brick buildings at 50 and 58 Columbia Hts , the Office Complex (25/30 Columbia Hts.), and the 8 building 117 Adams Street Complex, which is the former printery and includes the 30 story 90 Sands Street residence building.
I wonder which they will sell off first , the office complex or the 117 Adams Street complex?
The lots here mentioned were part of the "Flexi-Craft" property the society purchased to hold onto for "future expansion."
If the planned new printery had been built at 85 Jay Street, this property could have been connected to it by an over the sreet bridge.