I just read this on www.randi.org, and though it interesting;
Reader Joe Ridgel sends me this hypothetical exchange, which I'd not seen before, between one (C) who argues that the accounts in the Bible prove Christian claims to be true, and another (D) who disputes that premise.
D: Was there a road named Route 66?
C: Yes.
D: Was there an event called the "Great Depression"?
C: Yes.
D: You agree that during this time there was also an event called the "Dust Bowl"?
C: Of course.
D: Do you agree that it is an historical fact that during this time thousands of poor farmers from Oklahoma and Arkansas headed west to California, the so-called "Okies" and "Arkies"?
C: Sure.
D: Then, using your logic, have I just proved that "The Grapes of Wrath" is not a fictional novel with an historical setting, but an historical, documentary, account of the travels of the Joad family during the aforementioned events?
C: Well, ye....no.........uh........um.......