An idea for an amusing new Sparlock video

by cedars 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    I recently came up with an idea for an amusing new Sparlock video (yes, another one), but I soon realized that I simply don't have the time to do it justice.

    The basic premise of the video is a "what happens next" after Sparlock gets dumped in the trash can in the form of a photo slideshow to a well known piece of music. If there's anyone out there with a bit of time (and preferably a similar sense of humor to me, God forbid!) then please PM me and I will divulge my idea in full.

    The preferred candidate will be good with photoshop (i.e. it will involve "inserting" Sparlock into a variety of scenarios), have a good sense of timing, and also have a penchant for 70s/80s childrens' TV series.

    Anyway, I'll leave it there. I'm sorry I'm having to get others to do my dirty work for me, but I simply don't have the time! Also, it might be a nice opportunity for someone who is good at making YouTube videos but can't come up with any ideas for whatever reason.

    So, drop me a line!


  • blond-moment

    Awww man, I wish I were better with my programs. Just now learning how to edit photos. I'm still pretty crap at it....but getting better.

  • cedars

    Well you never know blond-moment, maybe it can be a collaborative effort with someone else - i.e. you find the photos and someone else edits them? I know what you mean, I can imagine it being quite a daunting thing when you're not overly familiar with graphics programs. I was trained in how to use them at college, so I know my way around. You may not be too well-versed in this stuff, but that doesn't stop you from releasing great videos of your own!


  • blond-moment

    I'm not afraid to try either. This has been great for me. I have wanted to add videos and stuff to my business, this has been a great "killing many birds with one stone" kind of thing.

    Was the push I needed to learn some of these programs. Great community for it as well. There has been a lot of helpful feedback, folks glad for questions, and I can make my mistakes in a more forgiving environment, before I start charging for my work kind of thing.

  • TOTH

    I think the little bastard should jump out of the trash can and march over to the kindumb hall and obliterate it with his magic sword and by firing bolts of lightning from his arse. Or maybe wait in the bushes til the next meeting, mesmerize the boe and take the platform quickly and apostacize the congregation.

  • cedars

    blond-moment - Yes, you're right. It's good to learn these things in a more forgiving environment, and there's certainly no harm in giving things a go.

    I'll give it some more thought and I may get in touch depending on what I decide. Mrs Cedars saw the thread and asked me what my idea was, and I could see her start laughing even when I was explaining it to her, so it might be worth my MAKING the time for it, just to make it happen. I believe we need to milk the humourous side of the whole Sparlock-debacle for all it's worth. As Besty commented on another of my threads, cults like JWs HATE to be laughed at.

    I'll give it some thought. In the meantime, I'm always open to suggestions/proposals from other budding Speilbergs out there!


  • blond-moment

    I do know someone who might be willing to help, Ill email her now...she is a wiz on photoshop.

  • cedars

    blond-moment - that's great! I'll send you an email with the details...


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