Sparlock on Wikipedia! Help editing?

by brizzzy 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • brizzzy

    Someone has put Sparlock on Wikipedia somehow:

    I know there was a submission by a fellow JWN-er waiting for approval with some cited sources:

    It strikes me that maybe this entry that made it through, somehow, should be edited to reflect cited "official"/"credible" sources - such as the Reddit post, the Pharyngula article, and the official video itself...before they delete it for being unsupported or maybe un-neutral.

    Does anyone know how to do this? Alas, I do not :`(

  • Tomapostate

    Mmm. I just did one:

    Sorry I didn't know about yours. Please edit mine. It isn't appearing in Google though. Will that come with time?

  • brizzzy

    It's not mine, somebody else did it. But it looks like it was just deleted after about 10 minutes because he didn't cite any sources or explain why it was was more biased/partisan than the original JWN member's entry. But it made it through for a few minutes, instead of being waitlisted for review like the first one! Not sure why...

  • 00DAD
  • Flat_Accent

    You probably won't get Sparlock his own page on wikipedia. Just add it to an already existing JW page.

  • brizzzy

    Yes, I linked to that above. I just found it curious that his made it through right away (though it was deleted) and yours has been pending review for several days. My idea was to edit the one that made it through with your info and citations (and add the Pharyngula citation for credibility), but it was taken down too quickly.

    Here is a screenshot of the submission that made it through for a while. I was surprised that it got through right away, as it's not exactly going for a neutral tone. But it did go through without being waitlisted, strangely.

  • Tomapostate

    Hi Thanks Brizzy! Is that why it got deleated? I was going to go back to it and start doing references and stuff. Oh well.

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