WHEN ANY GROUP LIKE RELIGIOUS ONES TELLS THEIR MEMBERS THAT THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO QUESTION THEIR AUTHORITY AND DIRECTIVES AND INFOMATION / TEACHINGS ,.......................THEN RED FLAGS SHOULD POP UP ALL OVER TOWN PEOPLE,AND THIS SIGNALS A CULT OR CULT LIKE PRACTICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ESPCIALLY WHEN THE GB TELL JWs that they are NOT ALLOWED to surf the internet freely,then they have something to hide from ok,and what their hiding from is 130 years of lies and false prophecies and tons of corruptions in their little shop of horrors down there in NYC,,,hehehe lol,,,but it's not so funny people!Anyone can easily read all about the trash that comes from this mind control cult!
Witchtower HQs GB enjoys 100% total information control over the rank and file,thus they FEAR the INTERNET!
by witchtowerwitch 6 Replies latest jw experiences
Anyone can easily read all about the trash that comes from this mind control cult!
But the governing body has brilliantly manipulated the minds of 7 million people. Taking advantage of a person's natural desire to please god, they slowly and ingeniously mold thier thinking patterns, tuning them in to the WTS channel, convincing them that obedience to the Body is synonymous with obedience to God. In some cases, obedience to the Body is essential to even having a relationship with God.
So when the Body demands restrictions on the internet, that's it. Done. Obedience with glazed over eyes and spittle hanging off the chin.
Group hypnosis, is what it really is; evidenced by the unquestioning allegience to every word uttered by the governing spirit mediums.
Witness 007
Apostate websites are full of lairs why hate field service, want higher positions for themselves, and want to return to christendom....etc etc.
Well said irondork....................this is the reality over their manipulations................JWs now have been fooled into making a GOD out of the wicthtower society,thus putting YHWH and Jesus in the back ground.With men of untruth i will not sit,and with men of lies i will not come in!!!
bats in the belfry
Remember: It is your very personal decision to pray either before giving in to temptation or afterward.
What this does is fine--for the Age of Pisces. During that age, mankind was supposed to blindly obey the leaders. However, that is now out of date and many are finding the Age of Aquarius. During which you are supposed to question everything (and I mean EVERYTHING). Anyone not questioning everything is going to be in for a rude awakening--and I suspect very soon. Once Christi-SCAM-ity falls (they are falling apart via all the recent rubbish being exposed), and Judaism falls (they, too, are starting to be exposed for hiding pedophiles), and Islam falls (people do not want Sharia Law), where else is there to go? Those clinging to one or more of these religions are up sxxx creek without a paddle, in a barbed wire canoe.
However, people that break this advice and research everything (and make the needed changes when they find from reliable and cross-referenceable sources that what they thought was right was a lie) will profit. People that break the trend of investing in toilet papers and buy gold and silver will be physically rich. Those who break from right-hand path religion and, after thoroughly researching, find the original pagan religions that worked so well for ancient civilizations without the benefit of science to back them up, will do well spiritually. And they might be the ones that get to pick up the pieces when Christi-SCAM-ity fails those clinging to it.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
The GB would love it if they could keep us in a heightened state of paranoia over anything non-WT.
However it only takes a few seconds and the click a mouse to realize that NO ONE is out to "get you".