Some of the "Christian" anti-cult groups are the scary people trying to push their own cultish agendas. They want to shut down other religions (like JWs) because they "are cults that deny the Trinity" or the "divinity of Christ." You quickly realize that these "anti-cults" approach their goals by almost the same means as those they accuse of being "mind-controlling cults."
Remember that Jim Jones' People's Temple was looked upon as a legitimate evangelical religion when it first started. It had a large church in San Francisco that drew some rather large crowds and was frequently visited by high ranking city-county officials and other notable citizens in the area. The parallels to Jehovah's Witnesses are sometimes quite shocking and revealing as Jones was constantly preaching about the "great tribulation" that was about to come and the need for his followers to do exactly what they were told. They also practiced shunning. They had unpunished abuse of women and children in the group. They practiced "theocratic warfare" against their enemies.
But what is not well known is that one of their outreach programs was "cult" education. San Francisco was still "hippie heaven" at the time and many youth had been swept up into "self-awareness" groups. There was a lot of Hindu and Buddhist influences (Hari Krishna) that were favored among the young people. The Peoples Temple folks would go into those neighborhoods and parks with their tracts and invite young people and minorities to come join them and learn "the real truth of Christ."
Its easy to find a lot of ant-Witness groups online and on YouTube that identify themselves as "outreach ministries." I've noticed that many former JWs who form these groups tend to slip right back into the evangelical born again, bible-thumping, praise Yahweh! religious style that are the seed beds of new cults. I find most of these groups very offensive.
I get a lot of emails to my websites from "former JWs" that want to submit "an article the explains the facts behind the Witnesses denial of the divinity of Christ" or to explain "God's real plan for humanity." I get so many of those type of messages that I've stopped answering most of them.
For me to become a part of one of these "anti-JW" anti-cult ministries would be worse than going back to the Kingdom Hall and pretending to be a good little JW again.