District Convention 2012

by apocalypse 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • apocalypse

    Have anyone of you out there been so bold as to voice a concern, and voice it so well that it got back to the Circuit Overseer, then the DO, then back to the branch and end up becoming something that had to be mentioned at the district convention?

    In Summary of the Watchtower at the DC, I recorded elder G. saying "the clear direction that that would be both when we have to agree with their direction and even if we do not fully agree" in relation to 'fully supporting Jehovah's arrangement of things'.

    Of course he was speaking out both sides of his mouth. How can one agree without agreeing? This is apostacy.

  • MrFreeze

    Well maybe this isn't exactly what you are looking for and it isn't something that just one person voiced concerns about. A few years ago I was at an international convention and Garrett Loesch was the speaker. His final talk was about an hour and a half long and he went on about all the failed prophecies of the WT and how "at least we were keeping alert". At the time, I was aware of all the failed prophecies of the WT and how wrong they were. I looked around and people just had a glazed look on their eyes. I'm sure they forgot everything he said 5 minutes after he said it.

  • WTWizard

    I wonder how long their lies are going to last before everyone starts questioning everything. And this is not referring to lies where people's intentions were to spare another's feelings or because they simply didn't know better. These are lies intended to ruin lives and perpetrate a major scam. Eventually, they WILL be exposed. We have the Internet, smart phones that can record things, recording devices smaller than a cancer stick, and now the Age of Aquarius working against them. All their bad prophesies and attempts to worm their way around them are going to come back to bite them.

    Maybe they could get away with it back in 1975. Or 1914. Or 1874. Or the 1830s. But, now that the Internet is here, they are going to have to pay the balloon.

  • TOTH

    Eventually something has to give. Tiny steps. Sort of like the Doolittle Raid back in WWII when 16 B-25 Bombers attacked the Japanese mainland. Double whammy....A small force did a little bit of damage and scared the Japanese Warlords, AND all of those subject to them them began to question those Warlords, who had promised that Japan Herself would NEVER be attacked.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    The answer is no.

    The elderberries are told to cut you off at the knees, even if it goes over their heads.

    If the CO gets involved be certain that it won't go any farther because this whipping boy will make sure he or the elderberries will kill the issue or DF you, whichever comes first or possibly both.

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