There is a very funny webcomic named The Oatmeal. I like to check on it and it makes me laugh.
About a year ago the author of the comic discovered that another website was ripping off his material and hosting it on their site complete with heavy advertisments.
True to the form of his site, he created a comic about it that embarassed the website into actually enforcing their copyright protection.
Fast forward a year later, the website that was stealing the property hires a lawyer to SUE the company it was ripping off content from.
The legal demand is taken, and broken down by the comic's artist here
Rather than pay the $20,000 demand letter, the artist says that he will add a donate button and try to raise $20,000. He will then take a picture of the money and send it to the laywer as well as an insulting drawing of the lawyer's mother.
Half the money would go to National Wildlife Federation, the other half going to the American Cancer Society.
The message he wanted to convey was: Your claim is stupid and here is how stupid it is.
In 7 hours, donations are at $70,000 so far and not slowing down.
For the first time in a very long time, something on the internet actually made me "Laugh Out Loud".
The original idea was a great one. Embarass a thief and stop a lawfirm from sleezy demand tactics.
Both the law firm and the website in question just gained a whole lot of unwanted attention.
I hope you all got as much of a laugh out of this as I did.