The Devil Made Me do it!

by criticalwitness 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • criticalwitness

    just my thoughts on the orgs consistent beating of the proverbial drum of satan the devil - first off i have never once met a person who has had such an encounter with devil or any of his demon cohorts and stories told me by word of mouth the person who said saw such things always had some mental issue. if this devil where in fact real to reveal himself to anyone would prove there is a god for if there is evil there is good and whatever temp suffering this devil could conjure up would be worth enduring because one would know beyond a shadow of a doubt there is a god! thats logical. i find it fascinating that the org relentlessly warns dont play with those occult games or boards! or anything spiritistic!its so similar to wizard of ozz! not wanting you to find out who and how powerless the wizard was lol they know anyone with half a brain cell would know the jig is up!

  • cantleave

    Devils and Gods are delusions. Nothing to be scared of and definitely not excuses for anything!

  • respectful_observer

    I recently had a discussion on the "devil [or demons] made me do it" recently with a family member. I asked...


    "HOW did the demons influence her to do wrong?"

    "Well she was tempted by that man."

    "Okay, so was the man being directed by the demons?"


    "So you're saying he was possessed?"

    "Well no, but the demons can make people do things."

    "Okay, how? What's the actual action the demon takes to force a person to do something? If they can't read our minds, how can they influence our thoughts?"

    "Well Satan and the demons pollute our minds with things that we see, like through movies."

    "Oh, so you're saying that if a movie has unclean elements, it means that it's been made by someone possessed by a demon?"

    "No, of course not!"

    "I guess I must be stupid for not getting this. If we agree that Satan and the demons cannot read our minds, and therefore can't control our thoughts, then any demonic influence must makes it's way into humankind through demon possession, right? I mean, at SOME POINT there has to be a demon/human interaction to make the 'transfer' of demonic influence, right?"


    "So then all those movie directors and advertising executives are possessed?!"

    "No, of course not."

    "Well then, HOW do Satan and the demons make people do things?"

    "Nevermind, you clearly don't get it."


    Clearly I don't.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Every super hero needs a nemesis; without the infamous devil to blame, god would look like one nasty dude.

    Once a good god figure was invented then it was only natural to manufacture an opposing villain to make “god” look good.

    There you have it and what a sham!

    In my opinion the devil got a really bad rap; hell the guy ain’t even real but everyone’s been blaming him for their mistakes and misfortune. So to that I say, stop using him as your scapegoat crutch and blame the asshole god, or better yet admit it’s all a bunch of bull and own up to YOUR misdeeds.


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