I found this post on the Hourglass2outposts board. It is essentially a copy of a watchtower magazine article with some snippets of commentary. I'll place the link here, so you can read for yourselves the followups, but will also paste the article.
Posted by JefferyMSchwehm [JefferyMSchwehm] on January 19, 2001 at 10:42:20 {dhk9LPTh/U7mGcjg8rgIMdud7girzQ}:
Hi gang-
Anyone who does not believe the Watchtower uses guilt, intimidation, and fear in order to motivate their followers need look
no further than the study articles in the 2/15/01 Watchtower. The overall message is basically, "All who do not listen to the
teachings of the Watchtower organization and apply them will be killed by God at Armaggeddon."
Here are some choice quotes:
"Zephaniah thus announced God's purpose to destroy Jerusalem, and this prophecy also pointed to the destruction of
Christendom. In fact, with God's day of judgment so near today, all the world should 'keep silent before the Sovereign Lord
Jehovah' and hear what he says through the "little flock" of Jesus' anointed followers and their companions, his "other
sheep"...Annihilation awaits all who will not listen and who therefore set themselves against rule by God's Kingdom." pp 14
"None would escape the proclamation and execution of divine judgment. Those complacent apostates had settled down like
dregs at the bottom of a wine vat. They did not want to be disturbed by an declaration of divine intervention in human affairs,
but they would not escape the execution of God's judgment upon them. There will also be no escape for present-day practicers
of false religion, including members of Christendom and those how have apostatized from Jehovah's worship."-pp 15
"For Judah there would be "a hurrying of Jehovah's day very much.' Similarly in our time, let no one think that the execution of
Jehovah's judgment upon the wicked will occur in the distant future. Rather, as God acted quickly in Judah, so he will "hurry"
his executional day...What a bitter time that will be for all who ignore Jehovah's warnings given by His Witnesses and who fail
to embrace true worship."-pp 16
Here is a really interesting quote which is reminiscent of the gory postings of You Know here on H20. In fact, as I read these
articles I wondered if these articles were contributed by You Know,...the delusional, junior member of the Faithful and Discreet
Slave who frequents this board.
"Theirs will be a disgraceful end indeed, for God will strew the bodies-even the entrails- of these wicked ones upon the earth,
"like the dung".-pp 17
"'Seeking Jehovah today' involves developing and maintaining a warm personal relationship with him in association with is
earthly organization."-pp 18
"Unscrupulous men slander Jehovah's Witnesses, branding them "a dangerous cult." God is aware of their actions-and these will
not go unpunished."-pp 20
"In these last days, it is Jehovah's Witnesses who call upon the name of Jehovah, who serve him unitedly in an unbreakable
bond of love-yes, "shoulder to shoulder." They are the ones to whom Jehovah has given the pure language. This pure language
includes a proper understanding of the truth about God and his purposes. Only Jehovah provides this understanding by means
of his holy spirit....To whom has he given his spirit? Only "to those obeying him as ruler."...Jehovah's Witnesses alone are willing
to obey God as Ruler in everything. That is why they are recipients of God's spirit and speak the pure language, the truth about
Jehovah and his marvelous purposes." pp.27
Jeff S.