I think that the crux of this case (not sure) was that the WT policy defied the legal requirements for the time period that was pertinent to Candace's case. In other words, when they were required to report to the authorities, they did not. This led to him being under the legal radar and not held accountable for what he did, which would have become apparent to the congregation and placed him on an offenders list. None of the proper things were done. This led to Candace being victimized by him.
They want to make comparisons. Taco bell? Try a school. The vice principal is found out to be a molester and he is demoted to merely a teacher and has no other repurcussions or accountability for it. Seriously, that is a more apt conmparison than than the stupid taco bell one. The WT enabled his access to further children and be "removing his privileges" they merely gave him MORE free time to hurt them!
The law is in place so that the people who are most likely to learn of such offenses can take practical steps to keep children safe without being the judge and jury. All they had to do was notify the police and they would have actually had no further duty to Candace and if he HAD molested her then, the WT would have not been at all culpable.