Does anyone have a pedophile policy timeline?

by Diest 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Diest

    I was talking to a close relative about the case, and they brought up the fact that they thought the society had changed many of ther policies on molestation long ago. I am curious about the policy change that made it so molesters could not become elders anymore. I am sure there are many others that I am unaware of, but I think a timeline would actually show current JWs how slow the organization was to act.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • diamondiiz

    take a look at par 13. Now if you take a pedophile on his word without at least a background check, well...

  • Diest

    Do you know when that was published?

  • LV101

    They've not changed anything in Vegas. I know of an elder who walked away because of a pedophile-elder situation in hall. He couldn't take it and it was the end for him. He should have contacted law enforcement but I'm sure didn't. They consider a pedophile just another salesman w/a hangup, bad habit and couldn't care less and the wheels making their fortune must carry on.

    The laws in this country (world) must change re/religion --- but won't. There needs to be a total outrage from citizens re their criminal acts.

  • diamondiiz

    2010 - shepherd the flock of god (elder's book)

  • Diest

    Does anyone know when they first changed this policy I think it was 2001 but I dont know.

  • JWdaughter

    I think that the crux of this case (not sure) was that the WT policy defied the legal requirements for the time period that was pertinent to Candace's case. In other words, when they were required to report to the authorities, they did not. This led to him being under the legal radar and not held accountable for what he did, which would have become apparent to the congregation and placed him on an offenders list. None of the proper things were done. This led to Candace being victimized by him.

    They want to make comparisons. Taco bell? Try a school. The vice principal is found out to be a molester and he is demoted to merely a teacher and has no other repurcussions or accountability for it. Seriously, that is a more apt conmparison than than the stupid taco bell one. The WT enabled his access to further children and be "removing his privileges" they merely gave him MORE free time to hurt them!

    The law is in place so that the people who are most likely to learn of such offenses can take practical steps to keep children safe without being the judge and jury. All they had to do was notify the police and they would have actually had no further duty to Candace and if he HAD molested her then, the WT would have not been at all culpable.

  • Diest

    I understand how it relates to the case, I am looking for more info on when policies changed and how they chaged. Most witlesses think the society was more progressive than they actually were.

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