Jehovah (sic) Witness who refused transfusion allowed to die in UK

by Nathan Natas 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    Jehovah Witness who refused transfusion allowed to die in UK

    Two cases involving Jehovah Witnesses who refused blood transfusions are in the news: a 22-year-old with sickle cell anaemiawho died in the UK and a 4-year-old girl in Australia who lived after a court-ordered transfusion.

    In Britain, a 22-year-old man refused a blood transfusion. After consulting lawyers, his doctors decided to respect his decision and he passed away after about three weeks in hospital. There were concerns that the man's mother, who was with him when he died, and an elder from his church were exerting an undue influence. However, a doctor assessed him and declared that he was fully aware of what he was doing.

    At the moment there are no substitutes for blood transfusions that can be offered to Jehovah’s Witnesses although researchers predict that a product will be available in 5 to 10 years.

    In Adelaide, the parents of a four-year-old with leukaemia refused to allow her to have the blood transfusion she needed. Her father told the media: "We adhere to strict Bible principles and one of those is to abstain from blood. We want the best possible treatment for (her) and the hospital are doing a great job. The only thing we don't consent to is the issue of blood."

    The South Australian Supreme Court ordered the hospital to give her a transfusion, which had a 90% chance of saving her life. "I'm satisfied that there are no alternatives to the provision of a blood transfusion. I'm satisfied that it's in (the girl's) best interest to received the blood transfusion despite her parents' objections," said Justice Richard White.

    *** be sure to read the comments ***

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    NOTA BENE: The term (sic) is used after a word or phrase to indicate that it is shown exactly as originally printed. In the above case, WE know the proper spelling would be "Jehovah's" but the writer didn't know that.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    NOT A BENNY: means this is not an amphetamine.

  • Diest

    HAHA, @Not a Benny

  • snowbird

    Sad, case of the 22-year old. Hopeful, case of 4-year old. LOL @ other posts.

  • blondie

    A 22-year-old is viewed differently under the law from a 4-year-old 22 a person is considered an adult able to make their own choice, not so a four-year-old, but then I am not a lawyer but I can only see the choice of the 22 year old being over turned if they were not competent.

  • Phizzy

    This is an area of Medical Ethics fraught with difficulties for the Medical Profession. Competence is assumed even if the views of the patient are perceived by the rest of us as stark raving mad.

    In reality the poor 22 year old never was informed of alternative views that even active JW's hold on the Blood Doctrine, he only got the one sided view of mind controlled cult members.

    In my view he did not make his decision from an informed position, and was not therefore competent.

    In the view of the law he was competent.

    As Dicken's character has it "The Law is a ass".

  • Chariklo

    That's the stark reality.Sometimes, if you refuse blood, you die.

    The fantasy is what I had to endure from my control-freak pioneer-elderette study conductor, who insisted on watching the WT Blood DVD with me and stopping it every few minutes so she could comment.

    So I was told time and again that the only really SAFE way to have surgery is without blood, all transfusions are actually harmful (!!!!!) and the survival rate of JW's who refuse blood is actually much higher than those who have it. She wasn't talking about Armageddon.

    What planet are these people on? They actually believe that if you have someone else's blood in your body it will alter your personality! They actually believe that their way is the best way for here and now!

    My study-conductor virtually forcefed me all this, ramming it into me.

  • Kudra

    ...tried to post a question asking what "fornication fractions" are allowed (following Acts 15:29 to its logical conclusion) but the site spat the comment back stating that comments must be between 6 and 100 *characters* in length. (?) Other comments were obviously quite a bit longer. I think my feelings may be hurt.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    That guy "Sparlock" sure is clever! I'll bet he's handsome too!

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