Mom having heart surgery

by reneeisorym 6 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • reneeisorym

    My mom is going to need heart surgery soon. She is currently a recently reinstated JW after being disfellowshipped for 5 years. She just went back to be able to talk to her family. She isn't going out in service or to the meetings now that she got reinstated. She is pretending she believes to their face and pretending that she's fed up with them to my face. I have no idea what she really thinks. I doubt she really knows what she thinks.

    This heart surgery puts her at a cross roads. She may need a blood transfusion. Her sisters wanted to go with her to make sure she told the doctor that she didn't want blood. I want to go with her to make sure she lets the doctor do his job. Mom told me that she didn't want to get a blood transfusion reguardless because she doesn't want to get a disease. I told her how unlikely that was. The conflict made her shut down and not talk to me anymore about it. I did get her to finally decide to let me go with her to the doctor instead of her JW family. I think that's HUGE. So, I may have a few one liners I can get in to talk about the blood issue before she shuts down again. She won't listen if I go into scientific detail about components and vaccines and fractions. I tried debunking the Biblical aspect back a few years ago and she doesn't really care about that part.


    What little things could I say that aren't all that technical that might get her to think?

  • sd-7

    Breastmilk contains white blood cells for the first few weeks after a baby is born. If God created a natural means of what is quite literally the eating of human blood cells (unlike the medical procedure involved in a transfusion), then how is a blood transfusion wrong and breastfeeding okay?


  • reneeisorym

    Oh good one.

    What did it for me was that Jesus said he would save a cow on the sabbath and how much more value a human had. If he could break the sabbath to save a life, couldn't we break the blood rule to save a life? And also -- Blood is is a symbol of life. What good is the symbol if the life is dead?

    She didn't really get the last one. I don't think she really got either of those.

    What really makes me think that if I can convince her, she will change her mind is that she actually donated blood a while back. ....

  • snowbird
    she actually donated blood a while back ...

    Then she's on her way, I would say.

    I hope all goes well.


  • talesin

    If she is worried about diseases -- is there time for her to donate her own blood and have it saved for the surgery? Or perhaps your blood (if it is the same type)?

    xo and good luck!


  • reneeisorym

    I should have posted an update. My mom ended up not needing the surgery. The symptoms led the doctor to think it was a common heart valve problem, but it was actually some rare form of heart disease that can be treated by medicine. *sigh of relief* (For most people having a long term disease is worse than a valve that can be fixed with surgery, but not when you are dealing with this blood issue crap!)

    I'm going to keep in mind the idea about storing blood or using mine. That's a great idea!

  • mrsjones5

    Well that's some good news.


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